12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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It's funny!


Just remember to get a picture if you see those dogs outside, that way you have proof and are not accused of lying because you "hate" their dogs so much.
I can tell you this. If it had been me that witness this, shotgun I store in the office at the chicken barn would have made a bigger mess of these dogs than that what the dogs did. I do not tolerate dogs that kill. I have a red healer that we are STILL in the process of training with the chickens. Although he is getting pretty trustworhty around the chicken, HE GETS LOCKED UP while the chickens are out free ranging. We are very careful with him around the chickens, becuase I will kill him if he eats one. I really do not want to lose such a nice pup.
So sorry about your losses and all that you have had to go through Jody. I have been following your story. Thanks for the updates and please keep them coming. I hope justice prevails for you.
That is such a tragic story, how devastating. :-( I'm glad that your local law enforcement is taking this seriously, undisciplined animals like those dogs with negligent owners are dangerous to all. Hopefully the bright side of your loss will be that a child or another innocent creature will not be harmed because of the dogs and their clueless owner. {{{hugs}}}
Yes, they gave me a number. There are plenty of pictures too. I took pictures. My son took pictures, and the county CSI took pictures.
So glad to know you're getting results for all your losses. I hope they continue, and that your neighbor gets a clue. Bravo to your sherriff's dept for being diligent and professional! My furry hooligans will be undergoing rigorous "retraining" for the next few months, and I am plotting (heheh....with DD) for the "Return of the Feathered Ones" to my yard. Keep your head up, Jody, and if the neighbor gives you any grief, I'll bring MY ridgeback to HIS yard, and see how he likes it!
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