12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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mate i would of ran out with a 12 guage and blasted the dogs to lebannon if they did that to my chickens.....
Hi Critter,

Interesting. Your advice is also my experience too! Stay on top of it, because their lawyer can get innumerable extensions and wear you out. OBJECT to them every time. Do not allow justice to be held for sale, denial or delay. One can even ask to sit at the prosecutor's table for every appearance and it would usually be granted.

Seems like our advice is echoed by a worthless judge who had a widow lady like our Jody asking to be avenged. While he feared neither God nor man, the lady was a force not to be reckoned with: Luke 18:1-6

Sicum Girl!


I have made it a point to call the prosecutor's office at least every other day. I have also sent them a detailed letter outlining the event and the history of the dogs. In my letter I also put them on notice that, if they did not follow through with their obligations, I would contact the media. I have been very nice and cvil to them, however, I know that the prosecutor's office has a history of letting dog cases fall through the cracks. I have called so often that they now recognize my voice. I am a very squeaky wheel.
Thanks. They are due to hatch tomorrow. On Tuesday we removed the egg turner and increased the humidity. We candled since the bator was open anyway. The three eggs all appeared to each have a pretty good sized chick inside. Two of them were moving. DDIL and I keep trying to listen for peeps. No sounds yet though.
Patience is a virtue that I lack!
My son just called. They are peeping. One pipped. The pipped one is one of Pinky's babies. It's nice to know that we still have a part of her.
Hooray! Glad to hear that the babies are hatching for you!

I hope that things get straight with the prosecutors office soon as well.
Sorry for your loss and the dingbats next door.

YES, incubate them, I had some of mine in the fridge for like 3 days and we had a show to go to and needed a dozen eggs for the egg contest. I pulled some new fresh ones and some of the ones from the fridge to make a nice dozen (got 3rd place by the way) and wanted to hatch some of those chicks out, I was not sure which ones were refrigerated and which were not so I put them all in the bator, they all survived.

Try it! What is the worst that can happen, no chickies! I think I would try a couple 3 days worth if it were me.
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