12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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That is an awesome story!
So what brought you there in the first place?
Tell us about your family
Am I being nosey, but I am very curious about what life is like where you live..... The Culture and temps, and conditions...
That is one place I would love to visit someday!!!!

Edited to add,
OK I see that you are there doing social work, That is cool. Where are you from originally?
I suspect USA somewhere, mostly because of your english being so good.
So how did you get involved with this type of social work to begin with?
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Hi Flower,

As you can see from my picture I'm a WASP. I left the States in the mid 1990's and had already lived long term in Brazil. But altogether I have now lived long term on five continents and six islands of the world. I was not an Army brat, but near enough like one if you consider I have lived in Alaska to Florida, California to Georgia and many, many points in between. I claim Denver, Colorado as home because I did grow up there. I've been in all fifty of the United States many, many times.

I had always wanted to do the kind of work I'm involved with, but quite honestly if I told you how I ended up in India and why, you may not believe it, and it's a long and complicated enough story you wouldn't want to read it.
Suffice to say, I believe God wanted me here.

Of all the places in the world I've visited and lived, there is nothing to compare to India. Life here is pretty much like it was before and during the British occupation in rural places, but as cosmopolitan in the big cities as New York City. Real estate prices are actually higher than NYC. Much to my dismay. It's nothing for RE prices to grow 100% per year.

There is plenty of opportunity here, in fact, more here, I believe, than anywhere else in the world. And yes, you should visit here some day. You really should. If ever you need major surgery, there is no better place in the world in terms of medicine, professional skill, personal care, facility and price. The private hospitals here are like nothing the western world ever dreamed of. Think of a five star hotel room with a hospital bed in it and you'll have the right idea. See an interesting video at http://americasmedicalsolutions.com/about.html

, don't wait till you're sick to visit India! I can send you a slide presentation of some of the sights if you request it off list. It's truly an !ncredible !ndia. The culture is very, very STRONGLY family oriented, and business requires a savvy mind with experienced western advice, because cultural lying about everything requires a discernment that is not easy to obtain. That's the worst part about India that there is. They will tell you what they believe you WANT to hear, even though it may cost you your shirt by acting upon their advice.
The best is that they are a very friendly people and once your friend, loyal to the end and completely dependable. India is certainly the most colorful place I've ever lived in or visited, and the people are Caucasoid which means they look just like Europeans with good sun tans. In fact, they are Indo-European.

India has the bluest waters and whitest sea shores and the tallest mountains in the world. Since I alighted here five years ago for my third visit I have desired to die here (not right away, I hope
), and no longer am effected with an itchy foot to move on.

Jody, sorry about hijacking your thread. I guess it gives us something to talk about between updates, LOL. Your thread here about your chickens and their dog is still the most important issue here. I will behave from now on.
I saw this thread for the first time today, and wound up reading all 18 pages of it. Good luck in court in December and in many courts you can just speak up and tell the judge you have something to say. If you hand him your info folder (via the balif) and hopefully he/she will at least glance over all the docs which hopefully you have the whole sheriff's report in the pack, as well as any pictures you have of neighborhood children at play... and he/she might ask the prosecutor why nothing further has been done about charges.

This should/could/might embarass the prosecutor somewhat, and hopefully the neighbor will get the harsher penalties as well as the prosecutor will feel pressure to take more action.

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The neighbor's wife came over yesterday. She tried giving me a song and dance about how she just saw another dog out and looked just like hers. She had to run right over and warn me. I told her that I wasn't stupid and if there was a dog out that looked like hers, it was hers. I also told her I would shoot it. She acted all nervous and upset. She whined, "We try to keep them in, but they get out anyway!" I also told her that she must not try hard enough and needs to remember that the law states that any dog caught killing pets or livestock were to be treated as dangerous. I told her it was my new life mission to make sure she complied with that. Then the idiot got all huffy and yelled, "Gee, Thanks!" Like it's my fault they are in this legal predicament! Then she got in her car and left. I think one or both of her dogs were loose again and she was out looking. I looked but I didn't find them anywhere. If I see them loose, the Sheriff gets called. They will be shot if on my property. A number of neighbors are watching too.
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I can't say enough nice things about the officers and how seriously they have taken this matter.

I will post updates when I know more. And have I told you yet today how much I appreciate our Sheriff's Department?

I love your Sheriff's Dept. I just found your thread and have read every word. With a few sidetracks to India - go figure. I do not know what your neighbors think will happen. Your tag line shows me that you have a small dog and cats - your neigbor's dogs are a danger to them also.

Take care, and you are in my thoughts!​
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