12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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Jody, those fuzzy butts are adorable! So glad you got successful hatching from the fridge. I'm keeping up with your thread, 'cause my Rocky-dog (RR) wants to be sure his "cousins" are given the fullest punishment available, not to mention the human waste. (I still say to send the dogs to me and let my hooligans teach 'em some manners, but mine are such goofballs it probably would be wasted effort..) Hugs and wishes for justice...
To update on the legal stuff. The Sheriff's dept thinks the charges are being upgraded, but the prosecutor won't call me back. If I don't hear from her today, I will start calling her boss. If I still don't get a response, I will call the County Attorney. He's a nice guy. I will not let this go. My new mantra is - I am the squeaky wheel. I am the squeaky wheel.
Man that was funny!

Jody, I have also been following your story & being in the legal system myself (sorry, have to toot my horn here..I'm a NC State Bar Certified Paralegal) I know how the justice system can be so slow and not always fair. I certainly wish you best of luck in December!

If you don't mind, please tell us about the "folder" that you're putting together for your Dec court date. Are you just putting everything into a folder or are you organizing it in some fashion? Meaning, are you doing an index page to include a tab for stuff such as chronology of events, photos, correspondence, pleadings (legal documents), petitions &/or affidavits, receipts &/or bills, breakdown of amounts in the request for restitution, etc.?? Sorry if this seems too nosy, just trying to help things go as good as possible for you in Dec.
My folder is quite organized. There is a letter that tells the whole story and has an index outlining everything enclosed. It was a big manilla envelope packed full.
Man that was funny!

Jody, I have also been following your story & being in the legal system myself (sorry, have to toot my horn here..I'm a NC State Bar Certified Paralegal) I know how the justice system can be so slow and not always fair. I certainly wish you best of luck in December!

If you don't mind, please tell us about the "folder" that you're putting together for your Dec court date. Are you just putting everything into a folder or are you organizing it in some fashion? Meaning, are you doing an index page to include a tab for stuff such as chronology of events, photos, correspondence, pleadings (legal documents), petitions &/or affidavits, receipts &/or bills, breakdown of amounts in the request for restitution, etc.?? Sorry if this seems too nosy, just trying to help things go as good as possible for you in Dec.

*wink* It sounds like you just laid out a pretty good outline for her. Really, since it's a lay-person (no pun intended but.... ) doing it, not a legal professional, I'd think that having that index page with a clean and clear list of what's there, including the things you listed, and tabs allowing easy access, it would give a very good impression to the judge or anyone else looking it over.

In some cases, that can very much outweigh a slapdash job from a jr prosecuter who is supposed to be a professional. I know someone who set up file probably less well organized than that, but still so much better than the opposing side, that the judge was so happy to see clear info, he just flat ruled totally for that person, because they were so much better prepared and organized.

Judges are often overwhelmed with junk, and just happy to have clear data. It was truthful, and clear. I think that is the most important thing. Judges get so much smoke blown at them, they get as sick of it as the next person and are happy to see reason triumph.
Good for you for being such a great squeaky wheel who's also organized! Just thought that to ensure that you're taken seriously in Dec, that you have a nice presentation to show the judge. I've definitely dealt w/ my fair share of slack district attys who think they're all that, but judges greatly appreciate an organized folder from the plaintiff rather than s.t. just slapped together in no sense of order. Guess we all will be
for you between now and 12/9! Best of luck dear!
Oh Jody, I just read all 20 pages...
Kudos to you for keeping on them. It saddens me to read stories like this. Go get 'em!!

BTW... I've had silkie eggs hatch that had been in the fridge for over a week...

I'm SO happy you were able to hatch some babies!!
Actually, Dec 9th is just when the neighbor goes before the judge and pleads guilty or not guilty. If he pleads not guilty, a trial date will be set. If he pleads guilty, a sentencing date will be set. They won't let me talk or make a presentation at all. I am sending all of the info to the prosecutor so she realizes the gravity of the situation that these dogs create. I also want her to be able to give it to the judge for consideration when sentencing. The deputy said that they all plead not guilty. Then a trial date gets set, and then they get nervous and make a deal with the prosecutor. I guess they almost all go that way. I just want to know that when the deal is done, the dogs are handled once and for all, and that there are stiff penalties and restitution.

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

I too have been following this thread and am sorry to hear about the loss of your chickens. It is a sad commentary on the state of this country when people choose to behave irresponsibly and animals have to suffer for it.

You sound like you have things pretty much under control on your end. I would still contact the News Media about the situation with your neighbors and also reference the recent article in Newsweek to them as well. Sometimes an Investigative Reporter can bring enough attention to a situation that will embarass the Civil authorities to take action. I would emphasize the dangerous dog part.

I know that dogs must be properly trained and most communities have enacted leash laws nowadays because of all the dog attacks from dogs allowed to run free. I have 6 MinPins that all were rescues and I had to teach them all not to bother my birds in the house and my pigeons outside. It took some effort on my part but they ignore the birds in the cages. However it doesn't stop them from chasing the wild birds outside or even if one of them escapes from the cage in the house. However they do respond to my voice commands and will stop when I tell them to. But their prey instinct is very strong, they were originally bred to hunt vermin and they still do. (Which is fine with me!) My dogs are not allowed off my property unless they are with me and on a leash. They are either in the house, or allowed out into the fenced backyard. I have had to make sure that my fences are escape proof as well. All have been spayed/neutered.

The unfortunate thing may be that you will have to build a run for your chickens to keep them safe or fence an area off to allow your chickens to free range until the case is settled.

Congrats on the succesful hatching of your eggs. For an easy coop to build for chickens, Mother Earth News has a plan on it that they used in the Phillippines.

By the way do you have a contact information for your local Sheriffs Department and the Prosecutor's office? If enough of us write to commend the Sheriff and bug the prosecutor it might help make sure that justice prevails.

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