12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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Then he said, "How can we know chickens are fowl?"

Huh? Um, because they are birds and birds are fowl? Um, because most second graders know this?
Go get 'em, Jody!​
Seriously... if lawyers are supposed to be so smart, why the heck do they act so stupid sometimes. You go, Jody! Your efforts will hopefully make it much easier for future cases of a similar nature.
Get em!

Ya know... you should have said in response to their idiotic "...chickens are fowl?" comment..

"nah..they're actually teeny tiny T-Rex's, just schmoozin' it up in my backyard livin' the goodlife"

I am new to BYC and just found this thread.
Man- I am so sorry for your chickens and your son who had to find it first and deal with it.

I read all the pages- I don't know whose stupidity amazes me the most- the dog owners or the attorneys. I wish you well in you fight for justice.

As far as I can tell, if the prosecutors drop the ball -the dogs will be back in your yard again. They have aquired the taste for blood and they will be back. When they come back I suggest you have a gun and get justice.

Troublesome dogs don't last too long in Texas. I know it sounds harsh, but you must protect what is dear to you.

I let my chickens free range with my full blooded, trained to bird hunt lab and my bird hunting spaniel. Obviously, I keep an eye out to insure the temptation doesn't get to be too much. But a trained dog, regardless of its natural inclinations, knows what it right and wrong. The problem with the Ridges is not their breed, but their lack of training. The owners probably have no training themselves and to agree with a previous post- should not produce offspring!
I guess they think that Poofhead and his little friends left the coop, walked a mile to the neighbor's house and stood outside the fence and taunted them. The chickens must have then thrown rocks at them and poked them with sticks through the fence. Finally, I guess the dogs couldn't take it anymore and had to jump the fence. Of course, the chickens must have outrun them and got all the way back to my yard and the coop before Poofhead pulled a knife and really started the fight. As far as the 2 chickens isolated in the giant cage in the coop, they must have spit at them through the bars forcing the dogs to rip the door off and kill them too.
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