12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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Very funny!
:/I do believe that my chicken have called me "stupid" You should have seen the way they looked at me!
I guess they think that Poofhead and his little friends left the coop, walked a mile to the neighbor's house and stood outside the fence and taunted them. The chickens must have then thrown rocks at them and poked them with sticks through the fence. Finally, I guess the dogs couldn't take it anymore and had to jump the fence. Of course, the chickens must have outrun them and got all the way back to my yard and the coop before Poofhead pulled a knife and really started the fight. As far as the 2 chickens isolated in the giant cage in the coop, they must have spit at them through the bars forcing the dogs to rip the door off and kill them too.

Now see if they had been Detroit Raised Chickens they would have just laid down a big patch of cement, and tempted the dogs into it, (the quick setting kind) and then thrown the dogs in the Detroit River and noone would be the wiser. They just up and disappeared!

(I grew up in Detroit)

Here in Louisville, they just would have got out their glocks and wasted them!

Glad to hear that there is some progress in the case and you are keeping them on their toes!

Go get 'em Girl!
I guess they think that Poofhead and his little friends left the coop, walked a mile to the neighbor's house and stood outside the fence and taunted them. The chickens must have then thrown rocks at them and poked them with sticks through the fence. Finally, I guess the dogs couldn't take it anymore and had to jump the fence. Of course, the chickens must have outrun them and got all the way back to my yard and the coop before Poofhead pulled a knife and really started the fight. As far as the 2 chickens isolated in the giant cage in the coop, they must have spit at them through the bars forcing the dogs to rip the door off and kill them too.

You missed your calling. You should have been a defense lawyer!
I totally understand. When we had to have someone prosecuted under the dangerous dog laws in Pa. we had to do all the fighting and investigating. Keep up the good work.
GOD help us all!!!!!
Um, obviously they assume they are innocent before proven guilty....too bad all of the issues are not treated this way. Selective innocense!
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Here's the website I get them from. There may me more appropriate ones, too.


That one was on page 7, on the left hand side. You just copy and paste the links into the posts.

*edited to add "I see you got it!"
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GOD help us all!!!!!
Um, obviously they assume they are innocent before proven guilty....too bad all of the issues are not treated this way. Selective innocense!

Hi J,

Unless I missed your point, the COURT and JUDGMENT assumes them innocent until proven guilty. The GALLERY (that's us) assumes whatever of the facts we know and we're not supposed to throw the stones before or after the judgment. That's the court and the executioner's jobs.

However, the PROSECUTOR is not to assume them innocent at all or there would be no way to file complaints against people and we'd be back to the dueling stages in society again. Jody has not only made a good case, she has a good case, and she's showing the public servants whose duty it is to provide the wheels of justice are either noobs or just trying to weed out a nuisance case from the real McCoy. It's surely okay to get rid of the nuisance cases and perhaps they are just prodding her to do what she needs to do to prosecute her own case.

She will get justice, because it's deserved, and .... SHE's a very squeaky wheel.

Go Jody!

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