12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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No, it wouldn't, but admitting you were wrong might make things right.

Okay, okay. I admit I wasn't really planning to have everyone executed. I'll see if I can use my influence with the DA to get them off with probation and community service.

In the meantime, would anyone like to buy a senate seat in Illinois?

I hope you weren't including Jody in your suggestions for punishments. She is the injured party here.
I want singling you out. There were several remarks made thru the thread about it being a waste of taxpayers money and jury time etc.
We are all on your side, but his guilt/punishment is for the judicial system to decide.
It just kinda grates me from time to time when we unthinkingly turn into virtual vigilantes.
Hi Jody, I've been following this thread, and admire your stick-to-it-ness. I served jury duty a few months ago. A mother was accusing her daughter of stealing money from her. That's a waste of court time (2 days)!. Someone's dangerous uncontrolled dogs are not a waste of time, no matter what they injure or kill. People don't have the right to let their dogs run loose off their property unattended. I used to walk 3 miles a day in my neighborhood with my dog on a leash. Almost every day, someone's dog ran full speed towards us. Now, I don't know what they are going to do, do I. So, I carried a stick, and rocks. First one was a Rottie. On another road, it was 3 pitbulls, they were young and didn't do anything, but how do I know that? Don't I have the right to walk the neighborhood without have the living daylights scared out of me? My father jogged around his block every morning. One morning a Dobie ran out and bit him in the butt. He didn't press charges, but the ER had to report it, so it got reported and the guy threatened my father so he sued the guy for the medical care.
Jody, it could have been your chickens, rabbits, puppies kitties, or small children . You never know. And these people did have the opportunity to make things right.
I know you started this post as an ongoing story about something that happened and what you are doing. I'm sure you didn't start this thread to have people talk about whether you are right or wrong.
I will continue to follow this story, I think it probably touches all chicken owners.
I have 2 boxer mixes. I have done everything in my power to make sure they are always contained on leashes, etc. For their protection as well as every one and everything else. I stopped walking my dogs except for on our property due to other peoples ignorance and stupidity were their dogs are concerned. I am a dog lover and believe that there are no bad dogs just bad owners.
Unfortunately these dogs need to be destroyed. Ridgebacks were originally bread to hunt Lion in Africa. Good luck with your case. I am sorry to read about your babies.
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Just join the existing one!!

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I, too have been following this thread and am SO sorry for your loss. Your neighbor needs to find his conscience and take responsibility for his dogs actions. The dogs are not at fault, per se, but the owner is. He seems to feel that he can do what he wants, when and where he wants. I am on your bandwagon and feel that he needs to pay full restitution for your losses. I cannot imagine what it feels like to come home to that kind of disaster and let alone the emotional distress you and your family endured. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this time.
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