12+ Delaware Hatching Eggs from Braden line


11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
High Springs, FL
I have eggs available from Delawares of the Bill Braden line. The hens are great layers and will go broody. The roos are very well mannered and have never attacked me or my daughter. I am getting 100% fertility, and excellent hatch rate from my still air Hovabator.

The cost is $15 for 12+ eggs, and $15 for shipping, shipped out via Priority Mail on Monday or Tuesday. If you are close to Florida, I can probably ship out on a Wednesday and still be assured to get there before the weekend. I individually wrap the eggs in bubble wrap, and usually double box them. I have 9 hens laying now, so the eggs should be no more than 2 days old at most when shipped. PM me if you are interested or have any questions. I take Paypal at [email protected]

I am getting 8 eggs a day, so I can do up to 24 eggs for $50 (includes shipping) as long as I don't have a second order for that week.

This is Boy, son of the late Tarzan:

I think my feed is too corn heavy. He has yellowed a lot in the last month or so. Plus the sun in fierce in Florida.


This might seem like a dumb question but why I the rooster have Yellow on the top half? Will that carry down to the next generation?

The yellowing is caused from the sun or feed, or both, I believe. When they molt, their feathers are snowy white. Then they gradually yellow in the sun. It happens to the hens a little bit, but it's much more apparent on the roo. I've switched their feed to a corn/wheat/soy free, and I think the feathers are not yellowing anymore. They seem to be growing in and staying white. I'll know for sure the next time they molt. So, in my opinion, it's environmental, not genetic.
I concur about the yellowing. It may be why some don't like white birds. I do wonder why there are two posting and the rooster in the second shows bent toes. Are these the same line or separate flocks?
None of the Bradens have bent toes. If it looks like he does, it's just the way he was standing when I snapped the pic.
My Holtman roo has bent toes, but not the Braden.

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