12+ Lavender Orpington Hatching Eggs

Chicky Tocks

14 Years
Oct 20, 2008
Benton, Arkansas
I like big butts and I cannot lie!

I have a small flock of big and beautiful lavender orpingtons that have been culled down to only the most lovely of the breed. All birds are HinkJC originated. After a long winter's break, they're now popping out huevos like crazy! Fertility has been tested and Mr. Man hasn't been slacking on his job. Fertility testing was 10 out of 10 eggs and 9 hatched successfully (one quit).

My flock is especially calm and friendly, not flighty. Mr. man is very people friendly.

All eggs are gathered fresh and daily and nothing more than 3 days old is ever shipped. I ship 2-3 day Priority and in most cases the package arrives in 2 days. My packing process is over the top. However due to bad days at the PO, I can't give a 100% guarantee. The hatch rate depends on you, the knowledge you possess, and your incubator or hencubator.

I accept Paypal, but other methods of payment may be possible. Just send me a PM. Eggs are $30 for 12+ plus shipping.
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Have you bookmarked. Don't have my incubator yet, but live outside of Shreveport.
Will PM you.
This may be a dumb question. I live in central Pennsylvania. We're still in the throws of cold weather up here, so should I wait until it's warmer to have eggs shipped? I know it's gets pretty cold in some of those post office hubs and I don't want to pay good money and then have the embryos die in transit.
Between $12-$15 covers most shipping areas USPS Priority 2-3 days. I would prefer not to ship eggs to any area below freezing, especially if there's a chance that the roads will be iced or power might be lost, however for a couple extra dollars I can add heat packs.
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