12+ light brahma eggs

i cannot send pms. my hens are on egg strike at this time. hopefully in a few weeks they will start back laying.
ok computor is fixed. everyone that is interested in eggs my hens are on strike. after a hard moult. worst i have ever seen. so i have dewormed them, sprayed them and coop for crawly critters and switched them over to 22 percent layer and black oil sunflower seeds to help with feather growth and get them back to laying again. i will send pms and post here when they do start laying agian. thanks tim
Do you have anymore light brahma eggs available? very few sellers over here and everyone is sold out of them.
Yeh out of my 125 hens and pullets we were getting about 5 eggs a day.
now we are up to 18-20 a day

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