12+ Swedish Flower Hen Eggs. To Ship 7/31 or 8/1 + Sex-linked Bonus colored egg project


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
St. Helens, Oregon
These will ship via priority shipping Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and be laid Sunday-Tuesday. Extras may be from Saturday.

I have two coops of Swedish Flower Hens. All my bloodlines originate from Greenfire Farms who imported the breed. Most were bought directly from them. I've a few that were hatched out of SFH purchased from Greenfire Farms.

Coop A: My very dark Red (looks Mahoghany) crested Mille Fleur rooster over 7 uncrested hens in a variety of shades of pied and mille fleur.
Coop B: Red Mille Fleur rooster (uncrested) over 6 crested hens: 2 Red mille fleur, 1 blue pied, 3 black pied.

Eggs will be marked as to coop they came from and date laid. Our chicks have been hatching out in a great variety of color including tri-colored chicks that I've not seen except in my first shipment of Greenfire chicks-the dark roo pictured above was a tricolored chick. Lots of red, blue, and black. I don't expect to get any white chicks with these pairing. I chose against this colorway as a splash pied Swedish flower has almost no color on them. Roughly 50% of the chicks will be crested.

I do have a uncrested Cream Legbar hen in Coop A. Her eggs range from blue to mint green in color. Her babies should be solid black females and barred roosters (should be born with a white dot on head) (This is according to the chicken color calculator and not yet proven, my first hatch is due next week. However, regardless of the color of the hens, the boys will be barred) 50% of the these chicks will develop a swedish sized crest, 50% of the hens should lay green eggs. I'd be happy to include her eggs if you are interested in a project. If you breed the hens who lay green eggs back to swedish, you will eventually get mille fleur and pied chickens who lay green eggs. Leg color is the same for both breeds. I should have 3+ laid Saturday-Tuesday.

Shipping is 15.00 and limited to continental U.S. Eggs are individually bubble wrapped and double boxed.

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