
NB, great info...thanks!

Re. Sprouting
Keep in mind in the US most corn and Milo is hybrid and will not sprout...thanks to the evil Monsanto who controls major US crops.

At one time there was a fad here in the US to supplement livestock feed with Comfrey but I see its now considered toxic to consume internally at least by humans.
I had some Comfrey but didn't fence it in last year and my geese mowed it down to the ground and may of killed it off.
They're still walking and talking.
Need I worry about their poor livers now?
Any other common herbs we should not feed poultry
and is Comfrey okay to feed chickens and waterfowl?

I think I may of gone a little overboard on the scratch feed this winter due to the severe cold we've been suffering. My Sebastopol Geese's breeding season is drawing near...anything I can do to whip them into shape?

Alaska Person...gads your birds eat better than I do!
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Cottage Rose,

Comfrey should be ok if they have a choice to eat or not. My duck and girls eat it but only in limited amounts. I put the extra in my compost pile (red wigglers) and they the worms like they never ate before.


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