13 day old Silkies

Gammas Bearded Babies

Crossing the Road
May 24, 2021
Middle Tennessee
Quick question on heat for babies this time of year...we've been in 90s and 100s...but had an unusual day today and garage where their brooder is at is 85.
Cuz it  was beyond hot i didnt move the heat plate out there cuz ive got 7 day old babies inside kitchen using it.
If the 13 day olds aren't chirping loudly or discontent they ok without additional heat?
They are all in their little cuddle puddle as usual for bedtime and have seemed fine all day when I've checked in on em still spread out, pecking and happy.
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Yeah, I think they're fine. Just monitor them. If their huddling, they might be a little chilly, but 85* for 13 day olds should be fine.
Sweet! The last 2 hatches have used less and less heat which does tend to help with feathers coming in more quickly from what I've read.
Anxious to integrate cochin babies with silkie babies!
Thank u for replying!!!

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