14 weeks old, 7 Raccoons!


6 Years
May 5, 2014
UCLA - Upper Corner of Lower Alabama
Here in the heart of the Old Deep South - there are PLENTY of them Coons lurking about the ol' Hen House!

Being in UCLA ( Upper Corner of Lower Alabama ) I have had to be educated rather quickly about Coons.

Very soon after constructing my idea of the perfect Chicken Tractor (not a great idea) I quickly discovered all was NOT well in paradise. I found a fairly broad but not deep tunnel gouged in the dirt under the 2X4 side rails of the structure. No chicks were harmed in any way but the mash dispenser was disrupted and the feed was gone.

Clearly time for re-evaluation!

The hen house has undergone several re-designs. It is now a hen house and not a chicken tractor. The thing got to where it more resembled a Panzer tank than a chicken tractor after a while!

Along with the defensive restructuring, I added active defense. At first I set a "Have-A-Heart" type trap. This netted six raccoons. This included Mama and two kits. Unfortunately, one kit survived to carry on.

However, the papa raccoon was too smart and stole the bait out of the trap several times without tripping the trap. Some research lead me to buying a Duke Dog Proof trap.

This did the trick! The first night I set it and primed it with canned dog food, I got the guy!

I've set the trap twice since then without anything taking the bait. I'll wait a week and see if another family tries to take over the territory.

Release is not an option!
Release is not an option!
I agree 100%. Release is not an option with raccoon. The ones here in West Texas learn real fast where the best pickin's are and will return no matter how far you go to release them. If they haven't got the hint the first couple of shots in the air then the third will send them to raccoon heaven.
Good for you Gclark. As a youth I trapped coons when I could and one of my neighbors told me they were good eating. I roasted a few and found out they were right. They were delicious. Taste a bit like pork. Do you eat them? If you don't, you may want to consider it. Good luck with your flock.
I certainly would if it was after my birds and I shot it. Why waste it? I believe that GClark states that release is not an option. I am suggesting that a coon dinner is an option and one that I would choose.

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