14 weeks old, 7 Raccoons!

I trap predators. Shoot them. My chickens own their own crock pot :) Simmered predators are free protein. I don't waste time skinning or gutting. I have had to remove hind legs on large coons and cook them in two pieces. The hens just love this style of buffet. So far I have not trapped any skunks. *fingers crossed*
If they smelled badly, they may have been eating garbage or other things not too appetizing. I wouldn't eat them either. A coons normal diet consists of what it can get in the environment that it lives in. They actually prefer fish and corn but will eat what they have to in order to survive. I shot one last year in my yard that was wandering around in the daytime, thin and confused. I did not eat it. My point is that if a coon is healthy, and doesn't stink, they are pretty darn tasty.
Please see my previous post. I said if a coon was healthy I would eat it. Rabies is in everyone's area. If I thought that it was not healthy, I would incinerate the carcass.
I have found that a secure coop and run eliminates the worry about predators. They are appreciated once they're no longer eating my birds.
If you are going to raise birds, predators are a fact of life. Some of us shoot predators and some of us do not. For this post I am only referring to coons. I salute all who do shoot and either eat or feed the coons to their birds. I respect the fact that some of us find this repulsive. I would ask members to keep an open mind and please respect us that shoot and do not waste the coon and either eat it or feed it to their birds if the coon is healthy. Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I also eat venison and squirrel and they are wild animals no different than a coon. If they are healthy and you know how to prepare them they are great eating.
If you are going to raise birds, predators are a fact of life. Some of us shoot predators and some of us do not. For this post I am only referring to coons. I salute all who do shoot and either eat or feed the coons to their birds. I respect the fact that some of us find this repulsive. I would ask members to keep an open mind and please respect us that shoot and do not waste the coon and either eat it or feed it to their birds if the coon is healthy. Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I also eat venison and squirrel and they are wild animals no different than a coon. If they are healthy and you know how to prepare them they are great eating.

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