14 weeks old, 7 Raccoons!

FYI, if you ever have reason to suspect an animal is rabid and needs to be dispatched DO NOT SHOOT IT IN THE HEAD.
Two reasons, intact brain matter is required for testing and bullet impacts result in high speed spray of potentially infectious materials.
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Remington CeeBees is my poison of choice. The round uses a hollow point and is lower powered along the lines of a short or CB cap but built on the long rifle case. Shorts and CBs regularly fired in a standard LR chamber will over time leave a ring of carbon fouling that needs scrubbed out to use long rifles.
I like these for the low noise aspect since my work takes me all throughout metro atlanta. They are no louder than a full power air rifle. I've actually dispatched coyotes and beaver in full view and hearing of duffers on several golf courses and never had a single golfer take notice. I also fire them out of a small single action revolver, ruger bearcat, as the round will not cycle the action of a self loader.
What I really like aside from form and noise is they are quite deadly with the hollow point riveting up quite nicely without excessive penetration. Never had a pass thru yet, but due to the low power this is a close range (inside 10') dispatch only round.
Here in the heart of the Old Deep South - there are PLENTY of them Coons lurking about the ol' Hen House!

Being in UCLA ( Upper Corner of Lower Alabama ) I have had to be educated rather quickly about Coons.

Very soon after constructing my idea of the perfect Chicken Tractor (not a great idea) I quickly discovered all was NOT well in paradise. I found a fairly broad but not deep tunnel gouged in the dirt under the 2X4 side rails of the structure. No chicks were harmed in any way but the mash dispenser was disrupted and the feed was gone.

Clearly time for re-evaluation!

The hen house has undergone several re-designs. It is now a hen house and not a chicken tractor. The thing got to where it more resembled a Panzer tank than a chicken tractor after a while!

Along with the defensive restructuring, I added active defense. At first I set a "Have-A-Heart" type trap. This netted six raccoons. This included Mama and two kits. Unfortunately, one kit survived to carry on.

However, the papa raccoon was too smart and stole the bait out of the trap several times without tripping the trap. Some research lead me to buying a Duke Dog Proof trap.

This did the trick! The first night I set it and primed it with canned dog food, I got the guy!

I've set the trap twice since then without anything taking the bait. I'll wait a week and see if another family tries to take over the territory.

Release is not an option!
What did you do with the raccoons?

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