14 wk SLWs - Genders please! Pic Heavy

Beauty looks like my Bossy -- definitely a she. Just poorly laced, so the color throws you. I wasn't sure on her until she laid -- the first of any of mine to do so.
Beauty looks exactly my Miette, a sweet pullet. Our roo started crowing at 10 weeks, so I think you would have seen more signs by now if she were a he.
Thank you to everyone who has replied! Your answers have encouraged me! I'll be sure to report back when we get our first egg from her!
One other question, do any of your chickens hold their tails to the side like she does? It's the funniest thing! She is the only one of ours to do it. I would estimate that 90% of the time she is foraging, she holds her tail cocked to the right.
Well I think that Chicken #1 is a Rooster. He is starting to get Saddle Feathers in...

Well, I guess that I'll report back when either SHE lays and egg or HE crows! This waiting is for the birds....

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