16 week old Golden laced Polish...Hen or Roo?


6 Years
May 14, 2013
Hawkestone, Ontario Canada
I picked up this Polish at 8 weeks and was told it was a hen. However it almost looks to me like it's getting some pointed saddle feathers? It is 16 weeks old, not crowing, no wattles that I can see at all (or eyes for that matter!). Anyone want to hazard a guess on if this might actually be a Roo?Also is this what is called "Bearded"?

Excellent! I figured since it didn't have wattles it by 16 weeks should mean a hen...but then I read that "bearded" Polish Roosters are really late to develop wattles. This one looked bearded to me so then I just got paranoid :)
Pellet! She has pretty hair, males have a more tossled look.

Yes, the males do typically have a wilder "hairdo". The females look like they're having a GOOD hair day. Wish I had their hair.

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