16 week old - not roosting?


Feb 2, 2023
New Orleans, LA
I have 4 white rocks and 1 buff Orpington - all were received at the same time and are roughly 16 weeks old. They have never roosted at night and just end up bedding down on the coop floor. I don’t have a problem with it, their coop and run are completely safe from predators at night. I have tried a few times to put them up on the bar but they have never gotten up there on their own. Is there any reason or benefit for them to roost or should I let this go?

They will generally roost when they are ready. Usually one gets the idea and they all follow. There's comfort in that pile at night.

Did you sand your roosts? What software they?

You could put them up for a few nights and see if they get the hang of it. You also may want another roost between the top and bottom one so they don't have such a big leap to get up higher or to come down.
Is there any reason or benefit for them to roost or should I let this go?
They are predator safe. As long as they are not sleeping in your nests I don't see a problem. Baby chicks sleep on the brooder floor. My broody hens sleep on the coop floor with their chicks until they take them to the roosts. Some chickens that can't fly (like some Silkies but not all) sleep on the coop floor. None of them are injured by that as long as they are predator safe.
I'm curious, have you heard them try to fly up to the bars? Kinda hard to tell, but are the perches wide enough (circumference) for them to comfortably rest their feet on without falling off? I've had to make several adjustments in all three of my coops, each with 2-3 perch heights and wide enough for them to sit on. Me being a bit mammahen, at 3 weeks old going to their new coop, outgrowing the box, I had to 'help' the Barred Rocks onto their new perch lol. They definitely squawked at me but now happily jump up way before dark. Just how much 'help' can you be right? Lol
I observed also, if they have a diy ladder, they walk or hop to the closest bar, otherwise they need wing-room to fly up and down. The pecking order continues on the perch too...
Chicks generally learn to roost from older birds, so without that they might've just gotten used to being on the floor. Personally I would put them on the roosts nightly until they got the hang of it. With the exception of birds that can't for one reason or another, I expect them to roost so they're not pooping on themselves.
I'm curious, have you heard them try to fly up to the bars? Kinda hard to tell, but are the perches wide enough (circumference) for them to comfortably rest their feet on without falling off? I've had to make several adjustments in all three of my coops, each with 2-3 perch heights and wide enough for them to sit on. Me being a bit mammahen, at 3 weeks old going to their new coop, outgrowing the box, I had to 'help' the Barred Rocks onto their new perch lol. They definitely squawked at me but now happily jump up way before dark. Just how much 'help' can you be right? Lol
I observed also, if they have a diy ladder, they walk or hop to the closest bar, otherwise they need wing-room to fly up and down. The pecking order continues on the perch too...
I have not heard them try to fly up to the bars. I have a Blink camera in their coop and haven’t seen them trying before either. Bars are basic 2x2 wood posts
You could build a simple ladder with rungs especially for their shorter step, being sure it is anchored SNUG, doesn't wiggle or that will spook them off. And I had to literaly put them on the bottom rung and coax them one at a time with a little treat and your most excited mamma voice to keep their attention. Try different angles to anchor (screw) the ladder, making sure they can either walk straight to the top bars, not get stuck trying to reach the top. Young birds don't turn around or hop like a squirrel, although they will stand on a rung for a moment in pose to fly to the highest perch.
I actually recycled a broken rocking chair into a perch ladder:celebrate
2x2s are good - you can also use old pallet frames, branches with nubbs sawed off, and cut landscape timbers in 1/2. Be sure there's abt 9-12" of wing-flapping, jump-room between the top of the coop, and at least 12" of space the length of each perch bar to sit with slightly spread wings on a hot night as an adult. You'll notice each bird will claim their specific spot... better to have room to scoot than be scrunched when it's hot outside.
I almost forgot-- I wrap a battery light inside the coop chicken wire, just use a finger to switch on. You can turn ON just before dark or with a timer because chickens are durn near blind in low light -- they won't fly up when they can't see the perches. It's very instinctual to only go where they can SEE it's safe to sleep! That's why they've been hanging out on the coop floor but poo will accumulate all over their feathers zzzing that way. Much ez'er to knock poo off the lower perch and cover it with a layer of bedding till cleanup day.
Hope you don't think me bossy, I've tried many techniques to make them comfy and my day easier... I spend WAAAAYY too much time and effort that I'd rather be fishing! Lol

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