18 + Variety Assortment of Hatching Eggs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 11, 2013
I am offering 18+ variety pack assortment of eggs from my breeds as I have my bator filled and no more room. $20 includes shipping and handleing.

These will be a mixture of whatever the Hens let me have for the day!

My breeds are Polish, Silver Spitzhaubens, Americana green egg layers, cochins some will have a frizzled gene, silkies (if laying).
I have a 99% hatch rate here. I can not guarantee what yours will be due to Post office handleing and your environment.
I take Paypal. So just PM me if you would like to

Enjoy the Fun of a Surprise Hatch!

Shipping will be 2-3 day priority USPS.

Today ; February 8 2014
I am putting notice up for anyone who wants to order the free EGGS for the cost of shipping and handling fees.
I am currently sold out for the next two weeks. If you are interested IN purchasing some at a later date
Just send me PM and I will be happy to start a waiting list.

THANKS!! to All of you who made a purchase. Good luck and Happy Hatching!!
And I would love to be updated on their development.
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Yes I can ship Tuesday send me a PM for arrangments to buy Thank you
Hi, If you would like to prepay I will make Sure you will get these eggs whenever you feel comfortable with the weather.
Thank you for your interest
Hi If you would like to prepay I will make sure that you get these eggs whenever you feel comfortable with the weather

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