19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

We're guessing that our 6 Australorps were born on March 10th, and the first one laid an egg on July 17th. (They're early layers.) Since then, we were getting one every other day, then two on Sunday the 29th, and now three today! We kinda thought that three have been laying for a while now, but we couldn't prove it until today. Most of them have been pretty small, but well formed (and tasty!). Only one or two could we have maybe classified as "medium", although these girls are not known for having above average sized eggs. So it hopefully won't be too long for you now!
My pullets are almost 23 weeks old now. I am getting eggs from 4 of them (there are 12 pullets total, then I have a rooster and 2 older hens.) One of the old hens is also laying every day so I'm getting 3-5 eggs per day. So that's still a whole lotta pullets not laying any eggs at 23 weeks.....the others may not start for another couple weeks to a month or more.

I am just thrilled that I'm getting a blue, green, white, and brown egg. I like the variety!

These were yesterday's eggs.
Beautiful colors! Nice!
I am about to wring the ladies necks! I have 2 Golden Comets and 2 Australorps. We are at 19 weeks and only one Comet is laying. Now I will give props where props are due, she has laid 6 consecutive days since her first egg! One of the other Comets has been squatting and even went through a day of complete fussiness. She even made the most perfect nest in the nesting box. Two days later no egg. Dang chickens! ;)

One of my Easter Eggers laid her first egg today, a pretty little green egg, about half the size of the Red Star eggs I get, perfectly formed. Perfect shell and all!!! I'm so proud!!! She was 18 weeks old as of this past Saturday, July 28th I will post a pic of it later, couldn't get it to work tonight.
21 weeks old the roos doing their thing...... 22 Silver Wyndottes and Cinnamon queens ....ladies aint producing..... but then we have had worst heat wave in over 80 years, 30 days of temps greater than 90, many of those greater than 100 and a few 105 to 112 degree days in KY
Mine are 20 weeks today and I think the combs are getting brighter. I feel like that lady in that commercial...with her face is pressed against the glass of some store saying "open open open"...that's me but saying "please lay and egg, please lay an egg!!!"

Congrats to all of you having eggs, babies, grandchildren....etc LOL - Hopefully I will be one soon too!!!

Today 102...melting, melting....gooo!! To bad chickens don't swim...I'd set them loose in the pool, instead we've been doing the water hose thing.
Finally, our first egg. I think Arnold layed this one but not sure Didn't lay in nesting box though, just on ground in run area!
My first egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My girls are 22 weeks old. Its a small egg.....but an egg just the same! I am soooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OK...one of my Brown ISAs has been laying for two weeks now. She started at wk 18 (top 3% of breed according to ISA's website). The other 4 have not layed even though the ISA charts indicate 64% should be laying.

Nevertheless....the real reason I'm posting....I cracked the previous 3 days eggs for breakfast this morning....and was surprised to see they are fertile!!!!!

Now, in my barnyard, the only roo that is biologically capable of this is a bantam, Dominique. Can anyone help imagine with me what a cross between a Brown ISA and a bantam Dominque would look like? I think I have to drop a dozen or so in the incubator just to see. The offspring wouldn't have any practical value. They wouldn't lay as well as the ISA, they would be scrawny little things for no meat and you can't even take them to a fair. It would be comical though.

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