19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

I found my first White Leghorn egg at 20 weeks on the dot last Tuesday. We've had 6 more since. Very exciting. It looked so perfect I thought my husband had put an egg from the fridge into the nest box as a joke!
I have a Cochin that is around 28 weeks, could be up to 30 wks and no eggs yet, not even checking the egg box! She did start squawking loudly and trying to imitate the egg song this week but I'm not holding my breath. Most of mine are from hatcheries and are 22 weeks old this week and not laying yet so i am thinking it's the change in season when they are coming into POL and making it a slower process. I've moved on from hoping it's today, then hoping on tomorrow and now I'm hoping sometime this fall for eggs.
Woohoo!!! I'm so excited! I have 10 layers right now and 2 more 16 week old Easter Eggers. They just started squatting today!! I can't believe they're maturing so much faster than my others did, that's 3 weeks earlier than my earliest big girl squatted.
I have 2 EE, 2 Buff Orpingtons and a Silver laced wyandotte, all 17 weeks old yesterday. No eggs yet. These are my first chickens so I'm anxiously awaiting!! I have nesting eggs in the 2 nesting boxes. They have checked out the boxes but that's it so far !!
Sigh, I finally got an egg but there was no shell!
Don't fret mama hen, my first few eggs were real weirdos, i was so discouraged didn't know that was totally normal and that normal eggs would follow very soon. I got my first and the second one didn't come for six days but it was more normal, just a little thin shelled but intact....now a few weeks later hard as a rock and huge!!! Added oyster shell and switched to layer ration with more calcium than the chick starter they were on......
Mine started to lay at 24/25 weeks. They have been laying for about 10 days now, all the eggs are perfect, a bit small, but great otherwise. Right now, they tend to lay every other day, but I know that will improve soon. So exciting.
I have 8 week olds and 18 week olds together. They are all on pullet ration right now, so how do I get my (one) 18 week old mama-to-be on layer ration without messing up the babies? They all eat out of the same container, in the same coop and I can't move them. Help?

I have 8 week olds and 18 week olds together. They are all on pullet ration right now, so how do I get my (one) 18 week old mama-to-be on layer ration without messing up the babies? They all eat out of the same container, in the same coop and I can't move them. Help?


Just stick with the grower you're currently feeding them and make sure to add free-choice oyster shell next to (not IN) their feeding area. The baby won't eat it, her body doesn't need it, but your 18 week old will probably down it for a while until you can switch them both to layer. Don't worry, starter/grower is perfectly healthy for laying hens as long as they have supplementary calcium available as well.
Hi guys, just wanted to turn in a report.
Of my 19 leghorns, 2 of them started laying last week. (@ 20 weeks old) Although the eggs are still a little small, we have had 12 eggs from these 2 girls in 7 days. They each took one day off. All the eggs have been smooth, but hard shelled. All with beautifully dark yolks! I switched to layer ration when they were 17 weeks. I also switched to Fermenting their feed and scratch together when they were 16 weeks. I really believe this has made a difference for their health, and the health of those eggs. It has also helped my feed bill, as there is NO wasted feed!

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