19 week Polish - stumped on gender


In the Brooder
Nov 17, 2015
I have a white Polish who is 19 weeks. I have
never had one before so am not familiar with how to tell gender in this breed. It has absolutely no waddle or comb and has not crowed yet. The round mop on top says female to me, but I feel like some of the feathers near the base of the tail are starting to curve a bit. The all white ask makes it hard
To determine feather patterns. Please excuse the dirty head feathers. It's been pecking around in the mud.
Well, in the first pic it looks like there are saddle feathers coming in, but I don't see them in the second so I could go either way.
Woo-hoo!!! Glad to hear pullet!! Now, will it ever lay eggs? At 19 weeks she hasnt even come anywhere near a nesting box and is doing no squatting. I have a bantam wyandotte and a little silkie who are also showing zero interest in laying and they are both about six/seven months old. Do the little ones take longer to lay?

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