1st Hatch! Help!

I did eggtopsies on two of them one of them died a few days ago and the other one (the one that I broke open) tried to pip but didn't get through the back of the shell and ran out of oxygen. i water candled the other one and it is still viable and then i felt it move should i do anything
I think it is ------ when i got home today and it didn't reply to me and it still hasn't hatched or internally pipped, i decided that it was dead. I decided to do an eggtopsy (It was very close to being shrink wrapped), so I got almost all of the egg shell off parts of it started to bleed, and it bled a little bit, so i put mineral oil on it and put it in plastic wrap in a cup, then i put some plastic wrap over it with some holes in the top. Will it be ok? i really hope I didn't kill that chick.
It died, i am going to hatch more.---------On a happier note, my little chicks already have wing feathers!

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