1st time hatching and have questions! (including.. bloody chick??)


13 Years
Jun 12, 2009
Fayetteville, GA
My very first hatching is going on right now.. and I have some questions!

The first pipping starting last night... and this morning, we had 3 chicks! Now, here are my questions...

1. Are they all supposed to hatch right together?? Some hatched in the middle of the night and some pipped, but not out. How long is 'normal'?

2. How long after pipping should they emerge? For a lot of them, we're at 10+ hours?

3. Two of them that emereged are very weak and have bloody umbilical (I'm assuming that's what it is? They definitely had stuff going on that the others didn't. What causes this? It is fatal?)

I'm such a newbie, I know... but I really appreciate any help I can get! Thanks!

Don't worry sounds like everything is normal. I have had them take over 36 hours to hatch after pipping, and some have pipped - zipped and hatched all in less than half-hour. Remember- after they hatch they can stay for a few days in the incubator without any worry, and it is not abnormal for them to hatch two days apart or more. Bloody chick dragging what looks like a cord? Don't worry about that either it will dry and/or its brothers and sisters will peck it off. Have fun and get the brooder ready.
Good. I totally did not expect this to be so NERVE WRACKING, as I am not usually the over-protective-with-animals-type. I think the two in question didn't full absorb the yolk? Maybe? I'll just leave it closed up and see what happens, but I am nervous just because I don't want to do something wrong!

Also, is it fine for the older guys to trample the eggs/new chicks? I know... dumb question... what do they do in nature?! Just nervous...

Also, is it fine for the older guys to trample the eggs/new chicks?

That's fine. I have seen chicks jumping on the other eggs. Snuggling up beside another one. Kicking it into another egg. Pecking at it (I suspect helping the other chick)... That was all with someone else doing the hatching though. I am doing my first hatch now too...​
Yes, it is fine for them to trample the eggs, play soccer with them use them for spring boards, you name it. I have gotten to the point of putting my eggs in trimmed egg cartons at lock down and have had great success. Do a search on here and you will find some great info. Have fun and don't worry.
Also in the middle of my first hatch. The urge to help is awful! I set 34 and 32 went into lock-down. Six hatched and fluffed early on, so I took the risk and yanked them out. My humidity has been very high, so I am pretty sure no harm was done. Especially since 6 hours later I had 6 more hatch out, but they are not drying as the humidity has gone even higher in there. A couple pipped and stalled. Some no action at all. It's only day 20, so I'm trying to keep up hope that I'll get more that hatch. I was hoping to get more than half... especially since they all seemed to be fully developed when I candled on day 18.

Hang in there guys!!!
Your hatch sounds exactly like mine! I think I just have to learn to go out and be GONE on day 20 and 21!

The two that seemed so weak are doing much better. I put in 22 and so far, I have 11 chicks... 3 are making progress and 5 more pipped early but nothing much happening (except I can see them breathing in there!). My two cuckoo maran eggs are doing NOTHING. Who knows....

Thank you guys SO MUCH. I think I am doing fine... just nervous. My humidity was at 80% and I did take out the 6 first chicks that were fluffed up and active and put them in the brooder. Humidity is staying at around 80%. For all the nerves, this is so FUN!!!

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