1st time having pet snake not so good :( *Update new snake with pic :)

that egg-eating snake is funny looking... not a funny situation though, but that's nature for ya... :\\

i have two ball pythons, one (Pretzel) i got two and a half years ago, she's getting huge now... not long.. just thick. and STRONG.... the other one (Bridgette) is technically my boyfriends, she's about 6, but she is not much bigger than Pretz. Bridgette is ALWAYS on hunger strike. last night we got her 3 mice, she ate one and refused to eat anymore. Pretz gets her second hand dinners. Bridgette only eats live. Pretz will eat thawed prekilled if she's hungry, but she almost never turns down a live mouse. I gave her a thawed rat a few weeks ago that she refused to eat. made me mad because i spent 6$ on that rat and she goes all anorexic on me. but she's been eating the live mice. whatever. ball pythons make you want to pull your hair out and scream when they do that. she was awesome when she was a baby and used to wrap around the strap of a tank top i was wearing and just hang there for hours. she was so cute.

when pretz was a baby

she's so gigantic now, comparitively
(pic from last summer, when i had shaggy stupid hair lol)

i also had a cornsnake (Twig) for about a year. he was the best! he died in the fall...
i think he had parasites... i really don't know though, because he was fine for about 9 months and then he started regurgitating his food.. first time, i thought it was from the terrarium temp being too low (b/c of the fall temp drop) for him to digest it, so fixed that first, and then he did it again the next week. that day, i decided to call a vet and take him in. literally an hour before i called the vet, my boyfriend texted me saying he had died. i was so sad! i cried like a baby. i buried Twig with irises, because i think he would have liked to climb on them... he loved to climb. i felt/feel so guilty about him dying... i should have brought him to the vet the first time and not waited.


Rip twig
Sorry to hear about Twig. As for Ball Pythons, my DS wanted 1 of those first. I said no way and other more experience people have agreed with me, since they can be picky eaters, that it would not be a good choice for a beginner.
yeah.... definitely not a good choice for a kid. they're awesome. and really lazy... but they grow FAST and if you feed them live, they get used to snapping at things that move.... i had pretz bite onto/try to strangle my arm to death last october... and it was really unnerving. one tip i have for you, is to keep your new snake on prekilled if possible... to avoid that scenario...
Beautiful Corn Snake I have one almost just like it mine is a lot more orange! but he would never let me get a picture of him eating he is shy if you watch him he will throw it up! he is silly his name is Theodore! he is very sweet had him almost 4 years
I think he was really hungry and didn't care who was watching, because last feed he wouldn't eat in front of us. We even tried to watch from around the corner, but no. As soon as we left, gone!
I think we will try to switch him over to prekilled/frozen. After the experience with the 1st snake, I definitely wanted to make sure it was eating exactly as it was before we got him. Now that we know he's a good eater, we should be making the switch over. Actually when the snake was about to shed he tried to strike when we went near him. DS got mad as he was told this was a friendly snake. That's when I researched and realized this snake was about to shed and the striking thing was perfectly normal. Now we know better.

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