2 1/2yr old peacock hurting new peahens


In the Brooder
Dec 15, 2022
Bloomsburg, PA
I raised 2 peacocks together from chicks. Ive separated them at 2 1/2yrs old and got them each 2 peahens last month.
The one white peacock does not like the hens and is constantly chasing and trying to pull at their feathers. One is an older 5yr old and one 2yr old. They have plenty of room to get away from him the peahens are always being chased away from perches and food. I actually had to make a divider on the perch for the poor 2yr old just so he would leave her alone.
We just built a 10x10 shed for them they also have their aviary still 10x30.

Never did this before but I locked them in the new shed for two days during this cold spell no outside time. 2 degrees at night. The older peahens head is bald and bleeding and her side wing feathers are bleeding. I separated the two hens into a small enclosure temporarily. I keep checking her she seems ok. I want to wait until her head heals. How am I supposed to re introduce them?
He was attacking them both right in front of me in the shed. I made areas blocked off to hide behind and run thru but he just doesnt leave them alone. The older peahen was up on my tiny shelf over my food bins she was so scared. Until he jumped up with her and attacked her.
Does this mean they are not meant to be together? This is my 1st attempt of getting hens for them for breeding in the spring.
My husband wants to split the 10x10 shed in half. They are usually free to go in and out of their aviary and shed all day and At night I lock them in the shed. This was I guess a bad idea to lock them in because of the cold.
My other peacock is not hurting his new girls.
How should I handle this? Is this to be expected? Ive only split up the peacocks for a little over a month now. They can see each other and call to one another.
One more thing my peacocks never lost their long tails this fall. And they are displaying every time I let them out.
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How did you introduce them?
I split my aviary in half. Both Peacocks we're still together in one side. 2 hens were in small area where the 2 Peacocks could only see them thru a wire door between them. Was like this for 1 week while we finished splitting the aviary. Then I moved both the hens and the one white peacock together into the new split side of the aviary. We put up a barrier on the wall between aviary so each peacock would focus on their peahens. But the 2 Peacocks could see each other still over the barrier. They were all afraid of each other at first. The peacock then started chasing and pecking it has gotten worse.
The hens don't want to go in at night with him at all.
Never bring the hen to a pen the cock bird has been in for any length of time.
I have them separated now. Someone suggested to wait til breeding season to put them back together. He is in his old aviary now because of limited space for his big tail. Question:
Can I move them (the peacock and the 2 hens) at the same time into a whole new aviary in the spring. Would that be more or less not moving the hens into his space he is in now?
Meeting on neutral ground is best.
Thankyou for responding. I've had them together for a month and there was some chasing and staying away but they were locked up every night together and there were no injuries. I had originally moved them all into a new aviary and shelter at the same time. It wasn't until I moved them to a NEW inside shed and kept them in for two days during the cold spell we had that he started physically hurting her. I've moved them back to the old shelter to see if they are better. I put them in at night and they were good. I will have to see what happens tomorrow.

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