2 broodys in the same coop?


In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2015
I have had 4 hens go broody but 2 in the same coop . Is this common or is this a monkey see monkey do kinda thing. Do I need to separate the broodys from the rest of the flocks? Has anyone else had this problem????
I will never forget that time when my MIL had FOUR hens go broody at the same time, in the same coop and she only had a small flock then. Walked into her coop one day and found 4 screeching fluff balls lined up like peas in a pod. It happens…

I wouldn't call it a "problem" unless you don't want broody hens in any number. If you'd like them to hatch chicks for you, you can leave them in the coops they are in, give them some fertile eggs once you have determined that they are really broody and not just thinking about it. I've had a hen get up after 1.5 day's devoted sitting. Once the chicks have hatched the rest of the flock should leave them and mom in peace. It happens, but rarely, that other flock members will attack the chicks, so keep an eye and be prepared to move the family if needed.

Good luck!
we already have had 1 hen go broody and hatch 10 chicks off .We r running out of room...lol now 4 more broodys....I just don't want to encourage anymore to do so cause we got our hands full..lol
It sounds like you have an epidemic going on there lol If it were me, I'd let them all hatch eggs. Is there anywhere you can sell chicks? Shame to let that incubating service go to waste…


If you don't want more broodies/chicks, you can break their broodiness. The most effective way I know off is to put the hen in a wire bottom cage with NO bedding materials. Give her some food and water and leave her in there for a few days. A stubborn broody can take up to a week to give up, but most will after about 4 days.
We r going to let them hatch their eggs and hopefully we can sell some of the chicks but I honestly like the fact that they r doing their thing but I for sure don't any more 2...lol We have never had any hens to go broody I think thru hatchery maybe its bred out of them .The kids love seeing moma and babies and I enjoy not having to set up those brooders moma does all the work
Tonight I found THREE IN THE SAME NEST BOX. Yes, I made the nest box bigger and 2 are bantam cochins.. but still.. 3 hens.. the 2 bantams have been doing this a month but the austrolorpe was a surprise.

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