2 Month Old Chick breathing through mouth, and not active...


May 4, 2021
We have 6- 2 month old chicks, they are inside, and one started showing signs of having a hard time breathing yesterday morning. She would eat and drink some, but today not as much. She is not very active, and seems uneasy on her feet. She breaths with her mouth open and makes a cooing sound instead of her normal chirping.

Does anyone has suggestions as what we could do for her before it's too late. There is no vet that we can find around that will do anything. I am afraid I may have done this, I cleaned their area two days ago and it was a little bit dusty, I don't know if that maybe she inhaled some of it...

Any help would be wonderful!!! Blessings, Wendy
Hi @dwcole08 Welcome to BYC.
How is your chick doing today?
Could it be there is something stuck in her mouth?
Does she still eat and poop?
How does her poop look like?
Does she have any discharge from her eyes?
You could try a vitamin water and electrolyte mix . Your feed store should have it or in a pinch try some sugar water . I cup water to about two teaspoon sugar. Sometimes nature just happens and a chick does die . Don’t beat your self up . If Your other chicks are doing ok it’s not you.

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