2 roos + 16 hens = trouble?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
I have a flock of 18 that all hatched the first week of August 2009. Of course the two chicks that are my favorites - a gorgeous white EE and a stunning black and green mixed breed - both turned out to be roos

So how much trouble am I going to have with 2 roos and 16 hens in my flock? They free range across close to 1/3 of an acre and have full access to my 16 x 24 barn with plenty of roosting spots. So far the boys seem to be getting along okay, but then again they are still youngin's.

I placed all the other roos that I ended up with, but can't bring myself to let either of these guys go. Of course if they start tearing each other up, I won't have a choice!

They may be OK. Just watch them. Lots of folks have that many roos with that many hens. Sometimes they learn to get along and if they are free ranging... they separate and go their way for the day.
I have 2 roos and 12 hens, so far no trouble. They divided up the alpha weirdly though, one crows, and the other one gets to mate lol I don't know how they came up with that job division, but it works out okay for them so far. One is a may baby one is a july baby, so they are young yet
Yikes! This thread has me worried! I have recently acquired a flock of 7 roosters and 9 hens...they all grew up together. I have had them for three weeks and there haven't been any problems yet. Could this change? Should I be worried?
You should be fine.

Plight. I would guess you'll have to watch and see. I have Silkies & Showgirls and there are 1-2 hens per rooster at the moment and boys are a little obnoxious towards each other.
I have 3 roos and 23 hens without too much squabbling between the roosters. The issue that I have found is that my poor ladies are getting worn out. I have had two that sustained injuries from all the riding with scratches on their rumps/under the wings. All the roosters are within 1 week of each other and have been raised together which may explain the lack of fighting between them.

Good luck,

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