2 Welsummers not laying


Nov 28, 2017
Bought 9 chicks back in May. 3 White Leghorns, 3 RIRs, and 3 Welsummers. All are laying pretty reliably except for 2 of the Welsummers. They're not laying at all. I've had chickens for several years, several flocks. This is my first experience with Welsummers and the 1st time I've had part of the flock not lay eggs. Any ideas?
Declining day length is the most likely culprit. We're less than a month from the winter solstice when days will start getting longer. I imagine they'll kick in by the end of January.
Then you'll be awash in those nice dark eggs.
I meant to add that chickens aren't machines. They are animals that feed us breakfast (and sometimes Sunday dinner). The process of ovulation depends on a large number of factors from their age, breed, nutrition, day length, health, stress, housing, et. al.. When all the planets perfectly align, voila - eggs!
Welsummers do not typically lay through the winter, even if its their first year. I got my first last year in May and they never started laying until the next February. After that, I reliably got an egg a day from each one though.

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