2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

His symptoms sound like Mareks disease to me. Even though he has been top of the pecking order, the others must realize something is off with him, and he senses he needs to hide to protect himself. Can you post a picture of the chicken with the small pinpoint pupil? That sounds like the ocular (eye) form of Mareks.

I would look around to see if you can get a necropsy on your lame rooster if he dies or is culled, just to get a diagnosis. Here is where to contact if you want to get a necropsy or testing:

In the meantime, a chicken sling chair might be made to help him eat and drink, and to get him upright and kept cleaner. Here is a link for that:
Do you have a rough idea of what the cost would be? I ask because I know anytime we say Guelph the cost is huge
You can probably get a quote by contacting them, and explain that it is for a backyard pet. Here in the US, the cost can vary greatly from state to state.
I wanted to update and with a heavy heart, I decided to humanely euthanize my rooster Tortilla this evening. His paralysis had taken over his back end and it was best to let him go. He was my friend and I will miss him dearly.
I will post pictures of my hen with the ocular issue and as always, appreciate the thoughts and advice. I have a few pictures that I would like to share of Tortilla. He was very special to our family for two years that we were lucky enough to have had him.
I love all of my chickens, they are family to us but Tortilla was very special to me. It's that one special love and nothing will replace it.
Even though he is now gone, I would still greatly appreciate advice on what's going on within my flock. As I said, I will take pictures and share of my hen with the ocular issue tomorrow. I was too upset to prepare Tortilla for necropsy analysis. Hopefully between what happened to him and pictures of my hen, I can get a knowledgeable assumption on if it's Marek's or not. In the future I will send my chicken off for testing but today was just too hard for me. I will not add to my flock nor rehome any of my roosters until I get a result from testing.
This is Cola. She is a 18 month old Crele Orpington. I bought her as a day old, along with a Cochin chick. The Cochin passed away at 8 months old. The vet came to my house, and took fecal sample. Everything came back negative. She was put on antibiotics but the vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She became lethargic and stopped eating. She died 2 days after the vet visit.

Colmhad a
Cola came down with a respiratory illness a few months back. I brought her into the house and gave her VetRX. It was when she was in the house that I noticed the ocular issue. I thought she had been pecked in the eye and this was the result. She bounced back in a month and returned to the coop.


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