20-week old pullet sneezing/gaping

Oh Wynette, I'm so sorry. I know that has to be completely discouraging. I thought for sure that you would start seeing some improvement after this long, not new symptoms. I just wanted to let you know that you and little Splash are in my thoughts.
Well, I gave the Flagyl/Amoxi a week, and she was exactly the same. I began the meds that Peter Brown sent (Ciprofloxalin) yestrday morning, so she's not been on them a full day yet.

The weather is gorgeous today, and I have the day off. So after I fed her at 1 p.m., I decided to bring her to the house and let her range a bit in our fenced-in back yard. As we were going from the barn to the house (on a little electric car thingy), when I got to the house, I looked down to see her head and neck backward on top of her back! She was limp. There was fluid that had come from her mouth from the feeding I just gave. I immediately turned her upside down with her head toward the ground...still limp, not breathing...I shook her a bit, and a bunch more fluid came out..then, I felt her rib cage move! I set her on the ground in a sunny spot (she hasn't been out on grass for weeks, because it's just been too cold and I didn't want to take a chance), pulled her head/neck straight out in front of her, and held her upright...when I moved my hand away, she just fell to the side. I could hear the gurgling in her lungs. About 3 mins. later, she lifted her head and opened her eyes and began to cough, and coughed up some more fluid...then, no more gurgling. It took about 10 mins for her heart rate to come back down, and breathing to get back to normal. Then, I helped her up and she walked around a bit, pecking at the grass. Then, she found a sunny spot and layed down in the grass, just looking around, and still sneezing/coughing. POOR THING! I felt AWFUL - obviously the electric car was too bumpy, and since I'd just fed her, the bumpiness caused her to cough some formula up and aspirate it.

I don't know if this incident will cause steps back in recovery...I don't know if the new meds will work or not. I have to admit, for a split second, when I saw her head and neck draped over her back and she was completely limp, I thought I should just let her go. But then, I thought MAYBE these new meds will work! Just couldn't let her die like that. SHEESH! I'm too emotional on this stuff.

I also lost a pullet I've had for some time (she was not yet a year old) with a severe crossbeak early this a.m. She had laid 3 eggs about 2-3 weeks ago, which shocked me. She was very small, and I never did think she'd lay. I think she must have become an internal layer or something, as there were no outward symptoms, and she'd been acting a bit lethargic for about a week, but was still eating and drinking. She was okay at 2 a.m. today, then, by 8, she was gone. So, it's been an emotional day. I keep wondering when I'll catch some good luck!
Hey Wynette:

You will catch some good luck--be assured.

But boy that episode with the little Marans seems....pretty........heavy.

God keep you
Oh Wynette, I'm so sorry.
I really hate that you are having such a time with your Splash girl and now to loose the other one. I really do hate that for you. You are in my thoughts daily. I have my fingers and toes crossed that this other med that Doc Brown sent will work.
Hi, folks. I'm so awfully heartbroken and sad...Splash passed on Saturday morning.

After the aspiration episode, she wasn't eating well...I had only been able to get maybe 1/4 of the amount of formula down her before she'd begin coughing. So, I decided to tube feed her. Asked DH to come help me by holding her - it's really a 2-person job. I've never done it before, but the vet showed me how. I figured I had nothing to lose. DH held her, and I was able to get the tube down to her crop. I knew for sure it was in the right place, as I could feel it in the crop when I pulled up & down. I then syringed the formula down...I had to hold the rubber tubing onto the end of the syring with one hand and plunge with the other. I checked her about 1/2 through the formula, and she was almost full. THat's when I made the mistake that cost her her life. Not trying to sound dramatic, but I just want folks to know in case you all ever have to go through tube feeding a chicken. I decided although she was "almost" full to get another ml or two in, since she'd eaten so poorly the last few feedings. I plunged a tiny bit more, and she began to cough, and immediately aspirated, and died in about 30 seconds, in DH's arms. I'd grabbed her from him and tried to do what I'd done last time, but it was just too much for her this time. Poor DH...he's super sensitive about animals and children. We both sat & cried, then I buried her next to the little crossbeak pullet I'd lost.

I'm just sick about it, never thought I'd cry this many tears for a chicken. Feel like I killed her...yet, I know I didn't do it on purpose. It's an awful feeling. But, I know she's in a better place, hopefully able to run around and chase butterlies - her favorite pastime - without sneezing her little head off and being so weak.

Thanks again, all...I can't find words for how good you made me feel about my fight to save Splash; how encouraging you all are, and how I can tell that, even though we've never met in person, you all really do care and TRULY understand what I was going through. HUGS to you all for being her for me!

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