2010 HomeMade Chicken Incubator Contest - Win $20 Gift Cert. Ends 9/12


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
WINNERS HERE: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4956295#p4956295

This BYC contest is brought to you by our sponsors. Please visit them and thank them for their support of BYC: https://www.backyardchickens.com/LC-supplies.html

those digital cameras out and scan those incubator plans you wrote on the back of your chick starter receipt. Throw them together with a great write up and you could be a winner! (okay... everyone on BYC is a winner... you'd just be an incubator page contest winner!)

Contest Details:

This is a contest to see who can create the "best" incubator page for BYC. The winner of the contest will get a $20 Gift Certificate for the BYC Store!

You'll be using the BYC Page Creation Toolto design your pages.

Here is what should be included in your page:
1) A write up of how you built your incubator along with any information you think would be helpful to other people who may want to build a similar units.
2) Any designs / plans you used to build your incubator.
3) Pictures of your incubator as it was being constructed.
4) Finished pictures of your incubator.
5) What you want to change / add to your completed incubator.
6) A parts list

If you want your page to win, make sure it has as many of the elements above in as much detail as possible! Here are some additional hints to help you win the contest:

1) Follow the format of some of the coop pages.
2) The more details and pictures the better!
3) Pictures - We all love lots of pictures, but PLEASE follow these guidelines: Pictures on the page should be no wider than 800 pixels. If you want to add a larger picture (we all love detailed pictures) please post a thumbnail link or regular link to the picture instead of the huge picture itself.

NEW RULE: ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to the BYC Image Upload Tool.
It is super easy to use and will help ensure that the pages always have the correct images and that they load quickly.

If you have any questions about how to use the BYC Page Tool, read the following thread and post questions here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11399

you have questions about the contest reply to this post.

We expect to add all of the pages submitted to the new homemade chicken incubator section but the best will win the contest.


1) Create a cool page
2) Reply to this thread with a link to your incubator page on BYC!
3) Have Fun!

NOTE: If you're one of those modest types and want to add your incubator to the site but don't want to enter the contest, that is fine. Please still add a link to your page in this thread... the more designs the better the community will be!

A few items to help everyone create BYC Pages quickly and easily:

BYC Page Instructions: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=2-Personal_Pages

pics to BYC: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=52145

a BYC Page in 20 seconds: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=75877

: We want to have at least 10 submissions before we end this contest, so get crackin!
I have never used an incubator before but I decided to build one. I'm hoping to purchase some quality stock eggs to get rid of my hatchery stock chickens. I guess I'll enter this contest since I just got finshed Sunday. I'm going to add a mat on the bottom of the inside to make it easier for cleaning. So far so good though. If anyone has any suggestions for improvement please let me know.

Here is a link to my page for photgraphs:
I have built the finest incubator that I have ever built and it will probably be my last. I am confined to a wheelchair and I had to get my neighbor Kenneth to do the sawing of the plywood and most of the heavy work. I did all of the design, purchasing materials and electrical work. I am sorry that I didn't take any work in progress pictures but I was carried away with building this thing and just forgot about the world for a while. I just wanted you to see it and hope that you appreciate it as much as I do. Anyhow thanks for looking and wish me a good hatch with the thing. John
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Nice Job John! that is pretty elaborate. i forgot to look to see how you made additions of water.

now that i'm thinking about it, that is really sweet since you built it from scratch.

Thanks for the compliment. I didn't spare any expense on this thing because I figured it would be my last. Thanks again.

I have built the finest incubator that I have ever built and it will probably be my last. I am confined to a wheelchair and I had to get my neighbor Kenneth to do the sawing of the plywood and most of the heavy work. I did all of the design, purchasing materials and electrical work. I am sorry that I didn't take any work in progress pictures but I was carried away with building this thing and just forgot about the world for a while. I just wanted you to see it and hope that you appreciate it as much as I do. Anyhow thanks for looking and wish me a good hatch with the thing. John

Nice Job John! that is pretty elaborate. i forgot to look to see how you made additions of water.

now that i'm thinking about it, that is really sweet since you built it from scratch.

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Nice Job John! that is pretty elaborate. i forgot to look to see how you made additions of water.

now that i'm thinking about it, that is really sweet since you built it from scratch.

new to the sight and I do not no how to post pics. I would like to post pics of my homemade bator. Can any one guild me through the processs?

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