2012 Waterfowl Breeders Directory

I'm focusing all my energy on my Call ducks this year - my main projects are my new Magpies (soooo excited about these!) and my Lilac project, but here's a complete list of what I'll have as far as colors - everything is pet quality except for the Magpies, I was told they're from Foley's lines (they're definitely SQ) and I'm breeding them along with a Blue Magpie hen I bred myself:

- Blue and Black Magpie
- Black Bibbed
- Chocolate Bibbed
- Blue Bibbed
- Lilac Bibbed
- Grey
- Blue Fawn
- Pastel

I should also be getting a few Silver (Splash) Bibbeds, a few whites and Butterscotches (out of recessive genes I know are in my flock), some Self Blues, Blacks, Chocolates, and Lilacs, and a few Anconas from the Magpie breedings, but those ones I'm definitely going to hang onto for myself! :)

I'll have duckings and juveniles for local pickup starting in the spring - in the fall, I'll be able to ship. Depending on how things go, I might have some eggs as well. I'll be updating with pictures of all this year's breeder birds on my website sometime next week.
I might be interested in some white call ducks this summer. CT is an easy drive for me. Not looking to breed or show, just for my own selfish enjoyment.

Ive got a HUGE selection of waterfowl ill be hatching from. I simpy cant wait untill i start to see eggs in thier little hutches. All my varietys of call ducks are listed in my SIG below. also have tufted roman show stock from holderread. As well as regular mallards, and a pair of mini silver appleyards from holderreads too! Call ducks are my main focus. Blue black splash being my favorites. snowies too =] all hand picked for Top quality.
Where to begin:

Available now:
Ring Teal Pairs extra drakes
Mandarins Pairs extra drakes
Wood Ducks extra drakes
Fulvous Tree Ducks
Marbled Teal Drakes
Greenwing Teal Drae

Hopefully for this year:
30+ Species I can't anymore
Wood ducks (regular, white, silver, apricot)
Mandarins (white and regular)

maybe others

Hooded Mergansers
Rubby Ducks

Chiloe Widgeon
American Widgeon
NA Pintail
Bahama Pintail

Tree Ducks:
White Face
Black Belly

Sebastopol Geese (I hope they lay this year) and I am looing to buy 8 or more of them

Red Goldene pheasants
Silver Phesants
Blue Slate Turkeys

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if all goes well I will have for Fall shipping. I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and can't ship after April to mid May due to heat
Ringed Teal- Wood Duck box
Mandarins- Wood Duck box
Reg.& Silver Bahama Pintails & splits- ground box
Hottentot Teal- ground box
Northern Shoverler- ground secluded area
Common Goldeneye- Wood Duck box
I have lg open aviary and they haven't like any nest sites yet. I just had some ground boxes made that are enroute now and hope they will like that.
Goldeneye are high box nesters but came to me so severely pinioned they don't even attempt to fly. Maybe they will accept a ground box since they also won't use the ramp to a nest box

Have 2 pr Brazilian Teal available now. Were late hatch in November after first clutch was destroyed by mean tree ducks I had

Looking for Pure bred True Gray/Trout Indian Runner eggs
I raise.......

Brown african geese.. I had best of breed and reserve breed at apa national when it was in nebraska. several yrs ago.. I will sell and ship day old goslings and adult birds. My blood lines are from Dave Holderead, Frank Reese and Roger Stanford.

White sebastopol geese.. I have done well with them at local shows. Bloodlines are dave holdereads

Rouen ducks. I have raise them for a yr and they come from Frank Reese. This yr at the kansas state fair I had bb and best old hen
I have Holderreads Saxony ducks, SQ Penciled Runners, SQ Grays (2009) before he discontinued them. I also have a pair of SQ Black Runners from him this year. I have silkie Ducks , one white and one black which I intend to breed as soon as I get some boys boys(
. I have Mini- Overbergs and Appleyards SQ, but intend to sell off the Mini-Overbergs(because I dont' like dealing with the blue dilution right now), but nice birds , good mothers (hatched my runners 1st yr. and lay well) I also have a few , and have on order, Shetland Geese I intend to breed for preservation reasons. I may be adding Africans also as I wish to show and want something interesting
and non white
. i intend to get Npip status within a year, I am building my flock right now, but may sell some on request. I will probably breed my best pair of Penciled runners , and grays this year, possibly blacks , some Saxony, and mini-appleyard pair.

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