2013 Chicks Picked Out!

I just picked up my second batch. It will be my first time adding chicks to an existing flock.

I bought:
2 Red Sex Links
2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Cochins

Adding them to my existing flock of two Red Sex Links. I had four prior but lets just say my neighbors are keeping their dogs on a short leash.

I got the Cockins because my Tractor Supply accidently got them with the shipment of buffs and asked if I wanted them.
I just got back from placing my first chick order ever. In our town, we can have 2 hens. Since cruising this fabulous light I have learned chicken math very quickly, therefor I ordered a black star, a red star and a PR.
I am just so amazed at all the information available on this sight, without reading what others have said, I wouldn't know where to begin, but with everyone's help I have selected my breed, gotten a brooder ready with lamp, shavings feeder, waterer and am ready to go in 30 days!
i ordered 26 white leghorns, 26 rhode island reds, and 26 silkies of assorted color. all to my amazement where alive and healthy on arrival yesterday. Today they are all still doing well, i have to say i am pleased with Murray McMurray's service.

We or!dered chicks from Murray McMurray, they will be here March 11th and the waiting is horrible!!
3 GL Wyandottes
3 SL Wyandottes
3 BO
3 Light Brahmas
6 Black Australorps
3 EE's
3 Barred Rocks
4 New Hampshire Reds
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Was going to revamp my Meyer order since I picked up three 6 month old BCM Hens a week ago. Re-vamping was the PLAN at least. But I just can't seem to get myself to cancel my Welsummer and White Sultan order for April. In fact I even added a Silver Laced Cochin! So, the new plan is to give away one of the BCM's to make room. Maybe the Black Australorp, too.Then of course while I was mulling all this over, I just HAD to go visit My Pet Chicken to check on my bantam order for June - and ended up adding 2 EE bantams to THAT order! I'm starting to believe that "Chicken Math" should be recognized as a bonafide mental disorder by by medical professionals, because what I am doing is simply not logical.
I ordered mine from McMurray for a ship date of April 8. They are 5 Red Ranger meaties (Straight Run), pullets of the following: 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Plymouth Barred Rock, 2 White Rock, 2 Americauna, and a mystery chick. I cannot wait to get them!
Glad I ordered mine in November!!... I tried to add a few to my April 9th delivery and pretty much everything I'd want is sold out already. I'm getting mine from Meyer Hatchery.
5 Welsummers, 3 Blue Laced Wyandottes, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 columbian Wyandottes, 2 Partridge Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex . I really like the Wyandottes & Rocks as layers, so I decided to branch out into some different colors. I'm also going to pick up some Easter Eggers and Barred Rocks from my local feed store. I wes at Agway the other day and they had some chicks already, so I decided I'd jump start chick season with five 3 week old chicks (which are SLW, EE & BO). Think I need a bigger coop. ;)
Glad I ordered mine in November!!... I tried to add a few to my April 9th delivery and pretty much everything I'd want is sold out already. I'm getting mine from Meyer Hatchery.  
5 Welsummers, 3 Blue Laced Wyandottes, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 columbian Wyandottes, 2 Partridge Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex .  I really like the Wyandottes & Rocks as layers, so I decided to branch out into some different colors.   I'm also going to pick up some Easter Eggers and Barred Rocks from my local feed store.   I wes at Agway the other day and they had some chicks already, so I decided I'd jump start chick season with five 3 week old chicks (which are SLW, EE & BO). Think I need a bigger coop. ;)

Chicken math strikes again!

I'm counting down the days rather than weeks now! I'm picking up four on 3/9: 2EE, a Speckled Sussex, and a cuckoo Marans.

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