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Ooooooo! Granny better hurry up & get back from Florida so I can go raid her flower beds.
She always has TONS of spare hostas, daisies, groundcover, stuff I don't know that names of but are very pretty...
I am going to get into so much trouble... ><
I have a black thumb and hte only way to grow anything is to buy it pre-started. I managed to keep a Rosemary going for 2yrs - even after one of the cats peed in it twice.

The Paypal option would be great. I think I covered why, lol!
Guess I'm confused ... so let me see if I understand. I claim something someone has posted and offer something else. Then the person who's item I claimed sends it to me and I send them something? or do I wait and send to whoever claims what I have to offer? How do you wrap, prepare, package plants for sending? (I have tons of extra tomato plants) What happens if more than one person claims an item? Does only the first person to claim get the item or do they only get it if they have a desirable trade for the person offering?

Sorry if these are stupid questions but the only swaps I've done have been where we send in a certain amount of something as does everyone else in the swap and then one person sorts and send back to everyone so in the end everyone gets the same amount of stuff they sent out.
I don't think you can reserve a spot for a post of shame because BYC changed and after a little while you will no longer be able to edit that post, right?

But I love the idea of this thread and the paypal option is great! Can't wait to start swappin!
Guess I'm confused ... so let me see if I understand. I claim something someone has posted and offer something else. Then the person who's item I claimed sends it to me and I send them something? or do I wait and send to whoever claims what I have to offer? How do you wrap, prepare, package plants for sending? (I have tons of extra tomato plants) What happens if more than one person claims an item? Does only the first person to claim get the item or do they only get it if they have a desirable trade for the person offering?

Sorry if these are stupid questions but the only swaps I've done have been where we send in a certain amount of something as does everyone else in the swap and then one person sorts and send back to everyone so in the end everyone gets the same amount of stuff they sent out.
This is a swap chain, so you offer something, someone else claims it and then they offer something and an entirely different person claims that offer.

When I ship tomato starts, I keep the rootball intact and I wrap it in damp but not wet papertowel and then I wrap that in plastic, but I make sure to only wrap the roots in plastic. Then I box them up with plenty of peanuts so that there is no shifting.
I don't think you can reserve a spot for a post of shame because BYC changed and after a little while you will no longer be able to edit that post, right?

But I love the idea of this thread and the paypal option is great! Can't wait to start swappin!
I was worried about that. I knew I had heard something like that. Oh, well I can keep my own list or make a separate thread. Hopefully it won't be an issue.
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