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It is open pollinated, but the only other corn I had planted at the same time was a blue corn. I ended up having to hand pollinate, so I don't think there was a lot of cross pollinated.
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You deliberately grow chickweed?!? I don't have anything against it, mind you, I just can't believe that where you live, chickweed doesn't grow everywhere. I have lived all up and down the East Coast and I have never wanted for chickweed. That's really interesting.
Can also do sugar snap peas, mammoth sunflower or hulless oats but only about 10 each so you would have to mix with something else.
I'm ordering in soap making supplies for delivery right after Easter. If I offer soap, would everyone be OK with waiting about 3 weeks to get it
so I have time to get some made.
I have no problem with you offering them ahead of time. I will leave it up to the perspective claimers to decide whether or not to claim.

As far as I'm concerned, something homemade is worth waiting for.
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