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Okay, this sucks. I always miss the posts with actual seeds and don't really have a clue how to do the pay pal thing so ... someone please take the $5 and post some seeds I can claim. Please!

I'll take the PP. [email protected]


Scarlet Runner bean

Painted Pony bean

Mammoth Melting pea (edible flat pod)

Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory

Yucca plant (haven't grown it, got the seeds from a friend.)

Alma Paprika pepper

Hungarian Hot Wax pepper

Plum Lemon tomato

Delikatesse cucumber


(last 2 are seeds just received from Sand Hill Preservation Center)

Could also do 2-3 roots of Raspberry, I believe Nova is the variety.)
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Plant #3 looks like burdock, but I can't be sure from just the pic. Invasive stuff here, we're trying to eradicate it.
Just checked to see what that was & yep, those are all over the hill in the "burr" stage. Kids have been dragging them in on their coats & clothes all winter. Guess it goes to the burn pile.
Burn it all!!
It will become the bane of your landscape! Those things stick to skin.
Already figured that 1 out. Been picking it off of hoodies & sweat pants for MONTHS now. I think they already dragged every burr on the property into the house.
There's 1 hoodie sitting in the laundry room so covered I gave up on trying to pick them out & am debating tossing it in the burn pile as well.
At least I know what the young plants look like now so I can have JJ dig them out ASAP!
Mine on the scarlet runner bean.

Here's what I haveL

Bloomsdale Longstanding spinach

Green fleshed Rocky Ford Cantelope

San Marzano tomatoes

Okra Emerald

Celery, Utah Improved

Parsnips, Hollow Crown

Catskill Brussel Sprouts
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Updated the ones we know. Anyone know the others:
OK, I have more plants I can add to my swap page, but I need some help IDing them 1st. Anyone know what any of these are:

Plant 1: PEONY

Plant 2: some kind of ground cover that's all over the bank beside the house

Plant 3: BURDOCK (headed to the burn pile)

Bush 1: this is planted as a living privacy fence on 2 sides of the yard:

2 views of bush 2: there are at least 3 of these in the yard (sorry the 1st 1 is sideways, was trying to get a full view) 2nd pic is closeup of buds on branches

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