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Okay, so lets put mlongworth's current offer up. If you talk to erin, please apologize to her for me.

Renee, I see nothing to be sorry for. You waited over 10 hours after her question was answered before claiming the offer she had not officially claimed. You were following the thread rules, she wasn't. She had no cause to get upset. That is just how chains work. If you want something, you claim it & make an offer. If you just ask a question about it & then it sits for hours it's free game for whoever wants it.
mine, mystery mix please (that's a little of everything, right?).

I don't have a ton of any 1 seed, but everything I have has sprouted, so please pick 3 @ 10 seeds each.

mary washington asparagus
triomphe de pharcy garden beans
daikon radish
russian tarragon
straight 8 cucumber
catskill brussel sprouts
dark green zucchini
red acre cabbage
baby bok choi
earlianan cabbage
cylindra beet
hollow crown parsnip

or I can do a mix of a little bit of everything and add 2-3 unlisted ones that I don't have 10 of in there - all edible.
Ok now that we have everything all worked out i can fill out my notebook with what swaps i did yesterday. Farmerjh what do you have unlisted if you dont mind my asking?
Current offer

mine, mystery mix please (that's a little of everything, right?).  

I don't have a ton of any 1 seed, but everything I have has sprouted, so please pick 3 @ 10 seeds each.

mary washington asparagus
triomphe de pharcy garden beans 
daikon radish
russian tarragon
straight 8 cucumber
catskill brussel sprouts
dark green zucchini
red acre cabbage
baby bok choi
earlianan cabbage
cylindra beet
hollow crown parsnip
or I can do a mix of a little bit of everything and add 2-3 unlisted ones that I don't have 10 of in there - all edible. 
Oh, mine please. Asparagus, tarragon and paraley.

i have rose champion, dark purple grape hyacenth, and mystery lillies all established.

the full seed list i'll post in an hour or so. posting this from memmory via phone at a restraunt atm. Don't know how I ever lived without this smartphone. -scarcasam-

seeds include heirlooms: savory, carrott, beet, cherry tomato, turnip and others.
hand saved pumpkin seeds or starts.
romanesco seeds. buttetleaf lettuce. spinach. corn. Pole beans. Muskmelon.

Full List:

Established Plants:
Rose Champion, ‘Atrosanguinea’ has very light foliage and deep magenta flowers. http://wimastergardener.org/?q=RoseCampion
Lillys of a mysterious nature that have not bloomed yet
Grape Hyacinth, dark purple, flowers just about done for the season.

Starts or Seeds:
Pumpkin, hand collected from my jack'o'lantern last year, bought from a farm stand. Healthy starts getting too big for the starter tray, or seeds.

Beekman 1802 heirloom seeds:
Carrot: Nantes Scarlet Half Long
Winter Squash : Green Hubbard
Turnip: Purple Top White Globe
Tomato: Black Cherry
Spinach: Bloomsdale Long standing
Sweet Pepper: Mix, Bullrose red or Green Bell
Radish: French Breakfast
Bush Bean: Bountiful
Pumpkin: Small Sugar
Cucumber: Long green improved

Lake Valley Heirloom
Turnip: Purple Top White Globe
Bloomsdale Spinach
Lettuce: Salad Bowl or Butter Crunch
Carpet of Snow Alyssum
Summer Savory
Beet: Early Wonder or Chioggia
Cantaloupe: Hales Best Jumbo

Romanesco Broccoli
Cantaloupe: Honey Rock
Garden Bean: Provider
Heirlooms Sweet Corn: Maiz Dulce Golden Cross Bantam Hybrid
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I'm sorry I didn't get back to you earlier mlongworth, I just got home. I have georgia rattlesnake & moon and stars watermelons, alfalfa, vetch, white dutch clover, victoria rhubarb, bloody butcher corn and sweet basil but I can only offer a 3-5 seeds of those. Scared stiff, do you mean the mystery night lilies or unknown variety lilies?
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