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I have 2 swaps I am delayed on sorry about that ,every ones work schedules have not synced up with me getting to the post office.

Tuesday is the day I can get to the post office ,their new schedule does not help either.
Not even sure which swap they are from at the moment just on my have to get shipped list.

Oh yes got my box of stuff from rbaker0345. I was shocked ,the rose bush WOW
Thank you so much.

Current offer


Offer: Any plant (or anything small) on my swap page- https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/renees-member-page
AAh, I just took all of the plants off of my swap page and then I realized that I still had this offer up. Pick any of the things on my swap page or I have ornamental (heavenly scented) ginger rhizomes and curly willow starts. I also have gumbo limbo tree starts which make really nice house plants or if you live in the South (zones 9-11), they make a nice shade tree. I will get around to making a separate plant swap page maybe tomorrow, I hope.
Would love to buy some of the tomato seeds from you not sure what I have to swap that you would be interested in
Anybody on here happen to have any heirloom beans for trade? Here's a list of what I have that I would be willing to get rid of. I do not care too much about how old the seeds are as long as there not older than 3 years.

Corn, "Country Gentleman"
Squash, "Blue Hubbard"
Onion, "Red Burgundy"
Spinach, "Bloomsdale"
Cauliflower, "Snowball Self - Blanching"
Broccoli, "De Cicco"
Turnip, "Purple Top White Globe"
Bean, "Canellini"

I have had all of these seeds for a year or so. I also have 20 Sunset Runner Beans, Bottle Gourd, and some Parisienne Carrots I got free with a SSE order. I'm really into the heirloom vegetables, but haven't really been able to plant much. 4 years ago my parents (I'm 16 now.) have told my sister and I that we were going to move to a new house. So for 4 years we didn't plant the garden because we thought that we were moving. After that we did eventually find a house, but we are renting it. So we planted a garden, but it ended up bad due to the garden being over sized, being to busy to weed, that and we had a huge pest problem. A few months ago we found out that our landowner changed his mind on selling the house and wants it back. So I have really high hopes for next year (Maybe too high) that we'll be able to plant a nice garden.
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Shoot, I just noticed that the last post is like 2 years old! Is this thing still going?

Last post was actually from less than a week ago. It has slowed down but is still going. I believe this is the current offer from rbaker0345:

AAh, I just took all of the plants off of my swap page and then I realized that I still had this offer up. Pick any of the things on my swap page or I have ornamental (heavenly scented) ginger rhizomes and curly willow starts. I also have gumbo limbo tree starts which make really nice house plants or if you live in the South (zones 9-11), they make a nice shade tree. I will get around to making a separate plant swap page maybe tomorrow, I hope.
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