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I'm not to familiar with this site but I would be interested in a new thread for Aquaponics to follow your lead.
Need your address Sill.

Also, is the elephant food plant in the jade family?
Addy PM'ed to you.

It is not in the same family. Jade plant is a Crassula and Elephant Food (I hate that name BTW) is Portulacaria. Some people call Elephant Food "Mini Jade" even though they are not in the same family. They just look similar. I kill every Jade plant I've gotten but the Elephant Food thrives here. For me it is much easier to grow and more forgiving of too much or too little water. It is edible evidently because local birds will sometimes pick a particular plant almost to death (ignoring those right next to it) and I might have to cover it with netting for a while until they loose interest. I assume by the common name that elephants like to eat it!
Mine: Fire Sticks! I didn't realize it was a euphorbia, I'm a euphorbia and tradescantia freak.

Offer: Same as above until I go through my seeds or add 6 snowdrop bulbs to those
Sill, I have a gorgeous euphorbia milli which is getting really tall and leggy. I wanted to propagate it but whenever I try to cut it and stick it in some soil, it just rots. Is there a trick?
Well portulacas are in the same family as purslane and purslane is very edible, it makes sense, but I'll let you try it first. Let me know how it goes.
LOL, don't think I want to try!

Mine: Fire Sticks! I didn't realize it was a euphorbia, I'm a euphorbia and tradescantia freak.

Offer: Same as above until I go through my seeds or add 6 snowdrop bulbs to those
Yep, they are euphorbias. Their color is better in cooler weather, in summer here they are just green.

Sill, I have a gorgeous euphorbia milli which is getting really tall and leggy. I wanted to propagate it but whenever I try to cut it and stick it in some soil, it just rots. Is there a trick?
You might need a more airy soil if you are getting rot. Add sand, perlite or vermiculite to the potting media. I like course granite sand but I'm not sure if you can get that in your area. Also most euphorbias root better in warmer weather. If it's too cool they don't seem to have the energy to put out many roots.

I'm not to familiar with this site but I would be interested in a new thread for Aquaponics to follow your lead.
I started one here
I wasn't sure whether to put it under Gardening or DIY / Self Sufficiency. I put it under Gardening but now I think it should have been in the later. What do you all think?
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