2013 Spring Seed Swap

I took over 60 cuttings from my forsythia hedge to root in the house this week for
spring planting of a free new (albeit small for now) hedge.

I need to check and see what seeds I have right now.
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17 in Arizona?? Never knew it got that cold there. That's what we've been dealing with all week here. I think it's supposed to get little warmer (30's) next week. Anyway, got you signed up!
17 in Arizona?? Never knew it got that cold there. That's what we've been dealing with all week here. I think it's supposed to get little warmer (30's) next week. Anyway, got you signed up!
It was not normal by any means, earlier this week it went the other direction and up to 80, now today mid 60s....some days I wonder where I am :) My poor kids up in MN have been freezing all week with negative temps :(

I am going to spend some time with my seeds this weekend to see what I have, then to get creative
I'm in! :D First time swapper, sounds fun! How many seeds per pack?

I have some mini yellow flesh watermelon, long cayenne pepper, and mixed mini gourd (mini orange and warty decorative) seeds, that I collected last year, as well as New England pie pumpkin, delicata squash, and sugar baby watermelon (pink flesh) from High Mowing Organic Seed Co.

I could also do a second set of herbs if anyone's interested. These seeds are a bit older (2010) but could still germinate. I would send extra seeds of these, just to be safe, if anyone wants to try them. (I'm gonna plant a few this Spring.) They include sage, catnip, summer savory, garden thyme, chives, and sweet marjoram. Is that allowed?

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I wanted to go in twice myself just so I can have lots of different veggies back! Uphilljill, I would LOVE to grow herb seeds. I have Sooooo many seeds its been hard to choose what to include! I can also add extras if needed.

Current WANT LIST includes Dragons tongue beans, Luffa sponge any odd veggies or fruit....Not so much into flowers and Shrubs...Prefer edible. Nothing poisonous to people or animals. NO KUDZU!

I Have all sorts of stuff...List your Veggie wants and it may be in my bucket!
I just have waaay more seeds than I can possible fit in my garden, and would love to find a good home for the extras. Can't bear the thought of throwing them out. (Tho I supposed the chickens would eat some?) That being said, if anyone has any summer squash & zucchini, leek, and parsnip, I'm sure I could find some room. ;) And your okra and corn, and katsdar's fennel are also calling me. Might be time to get the hubby to build me another raised bed. :D

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