2014 breeding season begins, post your results

You guys are making me jealous! I wish I could get that many eggs at a time but I only get 4 for now possibly more later. But not 70 eggs. Though of course I only have one laying hen. I'm hoping someone in my area will be selling some white chicks.

What are you complaining about? I'm not getting any eggs! Off course my 5 are only a year old, lol
Cute little peas everyone!!
In my experience, it can take quite awhile for a peahen to start laying again after she passes a soft shelled egg. My IB went thru all of this last May, and she never laid again until July and when she did it was only 3 eggs and none were fertile. It is very hard on their reproductive system and can take a lot of time to heal. She is back to laying normally now and I have collected 2 nice big eggs from her so far. Birdrain if you will clean and sterilize that incubator and invest in a hygrometer and some basic first aid supplies for your Peas I might be willing to ship you some eggs, we get lots of whites here. Your decision of course, but unless I feel comfortable about the environment my eggs may hatch into I do not part with them. Good luck with jadea keep an eye on her head and some triple antibiotic ointment/Neosporin wouldn't hurt, just don't get it in her eyes.
Interesting, i have an opal silver pied hen that laid a soft shell egg last month and she didn't lay any other eggs since that time, in the other hand my peach hen laid soft egg two weeks ago and she start to lay again this week.
Each hen heals at different paces. My hen seemed like she was ready to lay another egg but then the rooster started attacking and then she stopped.
Interesting, i have an opal silver pied hen that laid a soft shell egg last month and she didn't lay any other eggs since that time, in the other hand my peach hen laid soft egg two weeks ago and she start to lay again this week.

My hens had very difficult times passing the soft shelled eggs they suffered partial paralysis of the legs and I wasn't sure they would make it, but they did. I understand Birdrain's hen was the same way, unable to walk for awhile. Were your's like this too, perhaps there are varying degrees of severity? I've experienced this 3 times over the past 20 years, so it doesn't happen that often, but each time I know they quit laying for at least a month or longer. I have Calcium Gluconate liquid on hand now and if it happens again that is the first thing they will get.

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