2014 breeding season begins, post your results

OK good, glad to know I don't have a Peachick with an abnormal amount of hormones or something else out of whack, lol. I've seen lots of people post about getting slipper humped by older Peachicks etc, but I've never read anything about 4 wk old horny Peachicks before, lol.

I need to slurp down a couple more cups of coffee, then fire up the hatcher for my next lockdown and then I'll get the camera out and see what I can do as far as a Peachick photo op goes...
[COLOR=0000FF]So... remember my first batch of 4 PeaBabies that I said I already thought I knew the sexes of? [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Not that this really means anything at this age, but the oldest[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]lighter colored[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]chick was strutting in the brooder when I got up this AM (which I have seen quite a few times lately), but then all of a sudden "he" hopped on the[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]darker colored[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]chick (that was laying down under the heat source), grabbed it by the back of the head/neck and then GOT BUSY on "her", LOL!! (There were all kinds of complaints coming from the chick on the bottom, lol). I thought they were just fighting/being aggressive/picking on each other, but then when I finally focused my still half asleep coffee deprived eyes better I realized what exactly I was seeing... lol. [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]My eyes! My eyes! [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]:eek: [/COLOR] :gig

[COLOR=0000FF]Anyone else ever seen their PeaBabies try to "go thru the motions" at such a young age? This is a first for me (last season's 28 Peachicks were much better behaved, with better manners I guess, lol). These guys are just a couple days past turning 4 wks old, lol.[/COLOR]

Some of mine were doing that last year.

Looks like 1 female and the rest males in the first photos.
and i see one female in the last photo but can't see much of the babies, post another of those in a week .
These are my first hatch a male and female
I believe they were around 3 weeks here.

Looks like 1 female and the rest males in the first photos.
and i see one female in the last photo but can't see much of the babies, post another of those in a week .
These are my first hatch a male and female
I believe they were around 3 weeks here.

Hmmm... less barring vs lots of barring. Clear as mud now, lol. I was still focusing on the overall head and body color differences (lighter vs darker)
. Apparently I was just lucky last season that my darker chicks all turned out to be Hens. (That darker chick was on the bottom this AM tho, I swear it was! lol).

So, now what's the consensus on why my darker colored chick is so much darker than the others? A little Spalding in it maybe? I noticed when that darker chick started getting it's crest that it came in very even, all at once, in a tight round little cluster (kinda like a makeup smudging brush) and the other chicks' crests all looked like Alfalfa off The Little Rascals with the silly uneven crooked cowlick thing going on (and still do!), lol.

All 3 babies in the younger batch look the same as far as color and markings go so far... but the one in the back is a runt. Tiny little thing. Been trying to get it to eat extra scrambled eggs a couple times a day to help it maybe catch up, but the silly lil twit always grabs the biggest piece of egg then runs around the brooder with it like a lunatic playing keep away while the other 2 are busy chowing down on the rest of the eggs, and then they go grab the big piece away from the runt
lol. I will get more pics of that batch in a week.
Finally i got my first peachick this season, mother was spalding cameo, and the father maybe cameo bs pied white eye or spalding cameo. She penned with both of them.

Now if the father was cameo bs pied white eye, its possible for this chick to be split for pied or white, but what if this is a hen how it could be split to white since sex linked colors hens can't be split to another color?!
Sex linked varieties of hens can be split to white or pied. White, contrary to what is written, is not truly a color but a pattern. Any color can be hidden under white.
Thanks this is really helpful, so is it possible to have cameo hen with flights? because i just want to keep these cameo hens if they were split to white.

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