2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Do Spaulding hens lay speckled eggs? I have now collected two large light tan with brown specks eggs from my flight pen. If it wasn't so big and rounded I would think it was from one of the turkey hens. By the shape and size it is a peahen egg. I've not had a Spaulding hen before this year. The I. Blue hens always have had solid eggs. Anyone else get specked egg from Spaulding peahen??
Do Spaulding hens lay speckled eggs? I have now collected two large light tan with brown specks eggs from my flight pen. If it wasn't so big and rounded I would think it was from one of the turkey hens. By the shape and size it is a peahen egg. I've not had a Spaulding hen before this year. The I. Blue hens always have had solid eggs. Anyone else get specked egg from Spaulding peahen??

I do not have any spalding hens who are breeding age, so I'm not sure what their eggs look like, but I have a turkey hen who lays eggs exactly like that, tan speckled with brown, shape and size is almost identical to peahen eggs, maybe just a hair pointier at the small end.
I do not have any spalding hens who are breeding age, so I'm not sure what their eggs look like, but I have a turkey hen who lays eggs exactly like that, tan speckled with brown, shape and size is almost identical to peahen eggs, maybe just a hair pointier at the small end.

This egg is significantly larger than my turkey hens typically lay. I'll weigh them tonight and post the sizes.
This egg is significantly larger than my turkey hens typically lay. I'll weigh them tonight and post the sizes.

My turkey is a very mature broad breasted white weighing between 30 & 35 lbs. her eggs may be as big as Pea eggs because she is so large. I'm certainly not an expert, but I can say that my peas may lay eggs with some spots and calcium deposits and such, but they are not speckled with brown like the turkey eggs are.
Got some in lock down, they were due to go in the hatcher on the 25th but when i checked them last night they were moving in the air cell .
So first hatch of the year is coming up, then i got some more going in in a few days and then some more, there are my first eggs and i was checking fertility, 100% is what i have,
Go Master P
Shooting for 100% hatch rate, strictly using my broodies this year until hatch time then i put them in the hatcher when lock down comes around,.

Now i got to get my rear in gear and get the old brooder cleaned out, ain't nothing like waiting till the last minute
Procrastination is my middle name

Jadea is fully healed and seems to be ready to lay again. Little stressful because she got egg binding. Reason why was because the egg had no shell

Colbolt is getting his job done. This is the first time I've seen them breed ever since I had them.
Speaking of eggs,,here's one that could have hurt,agree?

For comparison this pic has my cheap cell phone next to the eggs. the whopper came from my IB pen,next is from our BSSP pen which is "normal" in size,,last one was from Thangs pens tonight and from it's small size it must be from one of the new 2 year old IB hens he's with this year.
Speaking of eggs,,here's one that could have hurt,agree?

For comparison this pic has my cheap cell phone next to the eggs. the whopper came from my IB pen,next is from our BSSP pen which is "normal" in size,,last one was from Thangs pens tonight and from it's small size it must be from one of the new 2 year old IB hens he's with this year.
I know exactly how big that is because I have that exact same cell phone

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