2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Seems to me a lot of people are having really poor or really difficult hatches this year. Is anyone having a really great year for hatches so far?????????????

I thought that about the first silver that pipped wrong and had to be extricated, but a night of rest did wonders, I hope the same happens for you. So sorry about the white one.

No. Our season sucks as does several other significant breeders we know in the south. I am certain it is weather related.
One of mine lost 21% and and was malpositioned with it's beak under it's leg. It was still alive and had absorbed it's yolk when I decided to help, but it died while I tried to get it out. Interestingly, six eggs that I had under one hen, all from different peahens, lost too much weight and all needed assistance.

There is an upside... I now have more confidence in my candling and extrication skills.


Me too I he'd to clean 2 of them up with a cotton ball. One I had to help out the other I found in the bator this morning . It got out by itself but it still a spot on its back where it stuck to the shell. I know now when and how to help out. I still have 12 guineas and 4 peas to hatch! Wish me success!
One of mine lost 21% and and was malpositioned with it's beak under it's leg. It was still alive and had absorbed it's yolk when I decided to help, but it died while I tried to get it out. Interestingly, six eggs that I had under one hen, all from different peahens, lost too much weight and all needed assistance.

Well darn and i thought i was on to something oh well mabe one day we will figure out why they do not turn in the right position sometimes
No. Our season sucks as does several other significant breeders we know in the south. I am certain it is weather related.

I suppose I should consider myself lucky. Out of my first batch of 10 eggs I got 8 chicks. I have a friend who just went thru his second hatch and got 1 healthy chick out of 14 eggs that were alive when they went into lockdown, the first hatch yielded 4 chicks out of 11 eggs. There were non hatchers as well as chicks that had to be culled for more than a single reason. He showed me 2 chicks from the second hatch that will be culled and they have numerous problems and I'm guessing its neurological...no apparent motor control. Heads pull to one side, legs move but unable to walk or keep them under them, one wing is held higher than the other, clenched feet, .....the list goes on. Anybody else think this could be due to temp. spikes during incubation?
WOW were these eggs in a turner or hand turned?

Hand turned 3 X Daily. I think he said he was suspicious that his thermometer was not accurate so he bought at least 2 others and all 3 give different readings so he is at a loss as far as that goes. If you could see these chicks though, there are just so many problems with them and they are from several different breeding pairs so it isn't hereditary. He left the only healthy one here with us because it is lonely and crying, the 4 from hatch # 1 are almost 2 weeks old and were really picking on the little guy. I stuck him in with my 8 since they hatched the same day. Quite sad.

PS. I should add that having seen these guys I do not think there is any chance it is a disease or something that could pass to mine. He hatches in his house and bleach sterilizes everything and generally takes the same precautions that I do. At a day old the chick hasn't been exposed to much of anything so I figured we were safe.
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I read somwhere if you have 10 differerent thermometers, you'll have 10 differerent readings, lol. I just have two and they're never the same, but they're close enough. :D I'm way too much of a novice to comment on what his problems might have been.


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