2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Merlot hatch-a-long started without me today. Have one bronze completely out and dry and another bronze pipped. Tons of IB eggs made it thru the candling and several of them are pipped now. Only 1 Thang egg in this bunch. When this group of eggs was laid that entire week we had rain almost everyday here. Many of the boys stayed under cover and wasn't interested in pursuing hens that's for sure.
Merlot hatch-a-long started without me today. Have one bronze completely out and dry and another bronze pipped. Tons of IB eggs made it thru the candling and several of them are pipped now. Only 1 Thang egg in this bunch.


Sorry to ask you all what is probably a stupid peachick question, but:
Our one baby this year is the tiniest peababy I've seen (I've been calling him/her Runty).
It is now in the chicken coop with its mom for safekeeping for a week or two.
I noticed that its little tail keeps moving up and down and I've never seen/noticed a chick doing this before.
But I haven't inspected as many chicks as you guys. Is this usual peababy business?

*I should have mentioned that I think it hatched on Monday.
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What are the chances of,,,,a so far all yellow-white chick with dark running down it's backbone to become a bronze pied? Just checked the hatcher and both bronze chicks hatched are from the pied hen. One has white flights and the other at this point is all white-yellow,except for the dark streek running down it's spine.I hope it looks bronze but either way this is my first year mixing pieds-bssp in with regular colors.
New2,,is the little squirt trying to display already??
What are the chances of,,,,a so far all yellow-white chick with dark running down it's backbone to become a bronze pied? Just checked the hatcher and both bronze chicks hatched are from the pied hen. One has white flights and the other at this point is all white-yellow,except for the dark streek running down it's spine.I hope it looks bronze but either way this is my first year mixing pieds-bssp in with regular colors.
 New2,,is the little squirt trying to display already??

Sounds interesting either way, can we see a pic in a day or two?

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