2014 breeding season begins, post your results

What I find a little nerve wracking is that they lose weight their few days, so I try not to weigh them until I see they eating otherwise I get way too stressed, lol.

Sad but expected update... The chick with the slipped tendons died on Friday, it was 8 days old and probably died from a yolk sack infection or ascites. The good news is that I did successfully treat the slipped tendons.

Its all your fault. You all keep posting baby pictures, they are sooo cute and I love babies. Did I mention that i'm still working on getting a good sized pen built for my bs cock and 3- 2 yr old hens? So I just put 4 pea eggs in the incubator along with some guinea eggs. None of which are purple bs eggs, which is what I want. No brain involved at all. and its all your fault.
Anybody else's peacock already loosing tail feathers?? Mine started dropping a few yesterday and I picked up an entire hand full tonight. :(
Newbie here...

After recently moving onto a 'farm' where I can once again have 'farm' animals after 20 years of living in neighborhoods but growing up on a hobby farm, I really wanted to get a some peafowl again... But, after hitting up a few local livestock swaps and looking around online I had pretty much given up on peafowl this year due to finances, the money just wasn't there to invest in birds or eggs that could literally go *POOF* in the night...

Then as luck would have it I came across someone local that had peahens and guineas laying eggs and they pretty much just wanted the eggs to be used for something beyond omelettes... The price they wanted for the eggs was insignificant as they just wanted a little money to cover feed, so game on...

I will be making a more detailed post later on about my incubator and sorts, but lets just say that I had days to get everything lined up and running as the eggs were ready before I was... Picked up a Farm Innovators cheapy foam incubator, did some quick mods (I'll discuss them later) gave it two days to stabilize and I was off to the races...

Dropped my first eggs in the incubator on May 24th, 7 of them... Two of them candled out as infertile at a few days and I confirmed they were duds a week later, leaving me with 5 viable eggs...

Again for another post I have a mix of eggs in the incubator, I know most will suggest against it but well I'm rolling with it do to constraints... Anyway that first batch of 5 peas was due this last Friday-ish, but I was also hatching out some bantam chickens Wednesday/Thursday, and got a big surprise on Thursday morning when I opened up the incubator to pull out the day old bantams and had a pea looking at me, didn't even see him pip, move or chirp at all... Two more eggs pipped and hatched Thursday night into Friday, one being a white... The two remaining eggs had also pipped on Thursday (weak pips, just a little crack) but they never zipped, come Friday night about 24 hours later I carefully opened up their pip hole a bit, and bumped the humidity way high... Saturday morning still no progress but they were alive in there, so I decided I had to make the call help or not, and help won... I zipped both eggs but left the membrane fully intact, and good thing as it appeared to still have some blood remaining, kept the humidity real high, and had those eggs on wet paper towels... 12 hour later still no progress but the blood was out of the membranes, so again the decision to finish my help or not came around and I went with help now as it's now going on 48 hours after the initial pip... Opened the membrane and then let the pea do the rest, and it was obvious they were weak, took them hours to crawl from the shell, but they managed to get out eventually... 24 hours later and they are doing well, so well they are in the brooder with their siblings...

In addition to the stress of the delayed hatch on two, the white pea that hatched on Friday had a slipped tendon... I popped the tendon back in place and taped the leg up, tried to isolate him the best I could in the pea brooder box but there wasn't much room and his siblings wouldn't leave him alone, checked back an hour later and it had popped back out... Repeated popping it back in place and bandaged it up again, this time moving him to the bantam brooder box hoping the little squirts would ignore him (and they did for the most part) this time the tendon stayed set in place... Giving him twice daily doses of vitamins and tonight (Sunday) I removed the bandage and he appears good to go, took him about an hour to figure out how to walk without the bandaged leg, but after that he is hopping around just as well as the others... So happy day so far but only time will tell if they all survive obviously...

Anyway that is the first clutch of many this season... I have 5 additional clutches in the incubator right now, and might have a few more depending on when my egg supply dries up for the season... Also have some guineafowl mixed in with the peas for the remaining clutches... Not a fan of how 'angry' guineafowl can be, but there is no shortage of ticks on the farm we just moved into and I hear they are tick vacuums, so I'm hoping they can help get that issue under control as I'm fully tired of picking ticks off me, my daughters and the other pets/animals...

More to follow, hopefully mostly good...

Clutch 2 - 4 Pea Eggs - 2 Guinea - In the Oven 5-30 - Due 6-26
Clutch 3 - 3 Pea Eggs - 1 Guinea - In the Oven 6-3 - Due 6-30
Clutch 4 - 5 Pea Eggs - 4 Guinea - In the Oven 6-4 - Due 7-1
Clutch 5 - 5 Pea Eggs - 1 Guinea - In the Oven 6-12 - Due 7-9
Clutch 6 - 4 Pea Eggs - 1 Guinea - In the Oven 6-20 - Due 7-17
Clutch 7 - 3 Pea Eggs - 3 Guinea - In the Oven 6-22 - Due 7-19

And last but not least, a short time lapse of the 2nd pea of Clutch 1 hatching...

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Here some of mine, Most are bronze bs, bronze and spaldings.

I may ask for your help, if my hatch later this week goes well. I have eggs in it that came from another member, and they could be bronze, bronze bs, bs split bronze, and maybe bronze split pied. Having never hatched bronze before, I'm wondering if there are any differences between IB and Bronze at hatch, and also between bs and bronze bs at hatch????
Here are the ones from the eggs that @DylansMom sent me. They are five days old in these pictures.


Looking good!
Anybody else's peacock already loosing tail feathers?? Mine started dropping a few yesterday and I picked up an entire hand full tonight.
Yep picking them up a few times a day has become my new chore
i get 50 pretty ones the last few days so far , mine are going to be in a wedding

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