2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Hatch #3,

we got 5 out of 8. 1 IB from my eggs, 2 Bronze, 1 Bronze w/ white flights, and 1 BS that might be IBBS or Bronze BS. My 2 eggs from Kathy in CA didn't hatch.
One was a late quitter and the other was malpositioned and never made the int. pip, one of mine also didn't pip internally due to malpositioning.
Hatch #3,

we got 5 out of 8. 1 IB from my eggs, 2 Bronze, 1 Bronze w/ white flights, and 1 BS that might be IBBS or Bronze BS. My 2 eggs from Kathy in CA didn't hatch.
One was a late quitter and the other was malpositioned and never made the int. pip, one of mine also didn't pip internally due to malpositioning.
So pretty
Do you guys think this a silver pied chick?

It has few colored feathers on his neck and his back, also 3 or 4 colored feathers on the right wing. I have seen some whites peafowls before with few colored feathers which people just call it white not sp, so is this a sp?
He came out from my bronze pen, the male is splading bronze split white and bs, he is penned with three hens, a bronze white eye, splading bronze hen and splading pied hen.
I'm not sure if i can get sp chicks from this pen, i will try to take better pictures tomorrow.
This is what i wrote 2 weeks ago, i thought this chick is either spalding pied(from the spalding pied hen) or bronze silver pied(coming from the bronze white eye hen), and today 4 chicks hatched from this pen, one of the eggs was from the bronze white eye hen, i knew that because i was there when she laid her egg so i marked the egg with *bronze w/e*, and guess what the chick hatched from this egg is Bronze silver pied
, here its:

Another chick from this hatch, spalding pied split bronze:
Twenty eggs went into the hatcher, all had movement at that time. Today is the end of day 29 and still no pips. I just candled them and found two with slight movement, all the rest looked like they quit when I put them into the hatcher. Just before I put them in I sanitized the hatcher with Lysol, the entire inside and the egg crates I put the eggs in as well. I am thinking that I did not wait long enough for the fumes to evaporate.

Has anyone ever heard of Lysol killing hatching eggs?
Twenty eggs went into the hatcher, all had movement at that time. Today is the end of day 29 and still no pips. I just candled them and found two with slight movement, all the rest looked like they quit when I put them into the hatcher. Just before I put them in I sanitized the hatcher with Lysol, the entire inside and the egg crates I put the eggs in as well. I am thinking that I did not wait long enough for the fumes to evaporate.

Has anyone ever heard of Lysol killing hatching eggs?

I wonder if anyone else uses Lysol in their incubators/hatchers? I use strictly Clorox bleach and I always clean them several days before use and then let them sit open to air dry for those few days. So sorry, can you try leaving them in the incubator to hatch next time? Just a thought.
Twenty eggs went into the hatcher, all had movement at that time. Today is the end of day 29 and still no pips. I just candled them and found two with slight movement, all the rest looked like they quit when I put them into the hatcher. Just before I put them in I sanitized the hatcher with Lysol, the entire inside and the egg crates I put the eggs in as well. I am thinking that I did not wait long enough for the fumes to evaporate.

Has anyone ever heard of Lysol killing hatching eggs?
What is your hatcher humidity level? maybe you can try hatching them in your incubator next time with increasing the humidity? Its preferably to not open the hatcher door at the last 3 days so the humidity don't decreases in the hatcher, when the humidity decreases the chick will stick with the egg shell and he will not be able to hatch, if you need to open the door to add some water you only open the once every six hours, i use something like this for my incubator so i can add the water in the last 3 days without opening the door and i noticed i started to get better hatching rate.

I wonder if anyone else uses Lysol in their incubators/hatchers? I use strictly Clorox bleach and I always clean them several days before use and then let them sit open to air dry for those few days. So sorry, can you try leaving them in the incubator to hatch next time? Just a thought.

Eggzactly what DW said to do. I did find a conversation on Old English Game Bird Society forum from 2012 where someone said if you use Clorox or Lysol to be sure to let it air out like you do before putting eggs in. They thought that Ozine or Tec-Trol were the best things to sterilize with, I'm not sure why we didn't use the Tek-Trol to begin with, we use it a lot anyway. I understand that one of the biggest hatchers in my area who hatches tens of thousands of eggs per year, washes all his eggs and coats them with Tek-Trol before setting them to kill any bacteria on the eggs.

Yeah, I think I can take the blame for this one, I can still smell the Lysol in the hatcher and it's been six days.
The duck eggs that were in the hatcher faired a little better and the guineas hatched 100%, but not a pip from the Peas. I am thinking that the guineas hatched two days earlier and have a thicker shell so they were not affected. My learning curve really sucks.

This weeks batch is due to go into the hatcher Saturday for a Monday hatch, (DylansMom has two eggs in that batch), and the eggs that I would have set in the incubator went under three broody FBCs. Tec-Trol is my new best friend.
What is your hatcher humidity level? maybe you can try hatching them in your incubator next time with increasing the humidity? Its preferably to not open the hatcher door at the last 3 days so the humidity don't decreases in the hatcher, when the humidity decreases the chick will stick with the egg shell and he will not be able to hatch, if you need to open the door to add some water you only open the once every six hours, i use something like this for my incubator so i can add the water in the last 3 days without opening the door and i noticed i started to get better hatching rate.

My incubator holds right at 60% all through the period, my hatcher holds at 75% and sometimes spikes to 99% when the chicks are popping out. That is a nice incubator you have there! I do not have the automatic water on my GQF Sportsman but I don't let the water run dry either. It has a display on the outside that signals the RH every few seconds. Thanks for the input.

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